Specialised In:

My Mission:-

My goal is to make the world a better place for everyone by helping people to modify their mindset and by guiding them with different ways to live their life better with people around them.

I Guide.

By God’s grace I am a skilled life coach and also a counselor. I guide people on how to be successful in life by providing them with life success principles.  I also guide and counsel people when they are not finding a way and help them how they can move ahead in life.  I listen to their life problems and also provide solutions to overcome them.

I Speak.

I am a motivational speaker and my main purpose is to motivate people and help them to achieve success in their lives. I also speak to help people modify their mindset and thoughts and help them make their belief systems positive, as with this one change can improve many lives and make the world a better place to live.

I Serve

I provide different value services, these services have helped many to make their life and surroundings better. My services include, counselling numerology and Vastu. Along with this I am a law of attraction coach too. I believe that one can only make a life better if their inner world and our otter world are in sync.  Apart from it I am also a child counselor.

Need Advice?

Influence of numerology- numerology plays an important role in our lives. It helps us to know about how our future will look alike. This will prepare us in advance  for decisions we should take for the betterment of our future. It also provides us with remedies to have a peaceful life ahead.

Influence of vastu shastra- our body works on certain energies. These energies should be correct according to vastu. Correct energies will help in positive flow of energy and will be very beneficial for ourselves. It also guide us to place certain things in our home according to the right direction. It will help in positive flow of electromagnetic fields in our homes.

Influence of law of attraction- law of attraction will help us to manifest anything in our lives. It is a way to connect us with the universe. it makes our mind to visualize  what we want and help us to make it reality. If our dreams and belief is strong we will surely achieve what we want in our lives.  It makes our dreams come true!

Want any advice on these matters? Stuck between these things? Want to know more? Then fill the form adjacent to this or email me to have 100% good advises and solutions.


Askniharika.com acts as a guiding friend for your future. They provide best counselling advice whether it’s for kids or complicated problems we all generally face. They provide many services such as numerology,astrology,vastu, law of attraction guidance and counselling advice. This site has a clear goal to help people and guide them correctly. I am very satisfied with their services. You must contact them to have perfect guidance. 

Christine Walters

My Story

My life story begins with my childhood. From the age of 14 I had a lot of interest in knowing about why people behave as they do. In my life I have come across many situations which made me interested in knowing more about people. I have met a lot of people in my life, some of them were so great and few were those that made me dislike them. From then I got to know that everyone is a different person and the only thing here is a good and helpful person will always have good values and also knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong. While on the other hand the person who is negative will always have a short mentality and most of the time do things that hurt people.

 I am always eager to know the answer to what makes a good person different from others? What is the special thing he/she does? Which makes him successful and likable by everyone? Around the age of 15-16 years I came across the term “psychology” which is the study of mental process and behavior of humans in different contexts. The things I used to think earlier why people do things they do? Or what’s the purpose behind them? Having a keen interest in psychology opened more paths for me. I came to know about the law of attraction, which again built my interest strong for psychology. As we see both psychology and law of attraction are linked with each other. Law of attraction helps in easy manifestation of goals and it also makes a person successful and if a person is successful and he will always have excellent life principles and values. 

Law of attraction is a study of the universe which helps us achieve our dream life through manifestation; it further connected me to astrology and numerology. If we see vastu, astrology, numerology and law of attraction is connected with the universe, planets, numbers and affects us through cosmic energy. I am not different from others. I also have interest in cooking, drawing, writing quotes, makeup and all creative things. But all above these things psychology, law of attraction, numerology and astrology are my priority and with the help of these skills I want to help people to solve their life problems and also to make the world a better place to live.