
15 ways to motivate yourself

1)Just go with the flow and let the motivation come within you- 

To work on a particular goal one needs motivation and in search of that motivation  we often lose our tracks. But believe me it’s not true, just start working towards your goals and sooner or later that work will become your habit and you will find interest in doing it. As interests develop you will naturally see your motivation develop by the time.

2)Take small steps first and if not able to achieve them switch to tiny steps-

It is always advised to achieve anything in life just start taking small steps. Always avoid to take a big jump as it will only lead to stress issues and lack of motivation. So always start with small steps but in some situations our motivation is not that strong to let us move ahead. In that case instead of quitting your goals just switch to tiny or very minute steps towards your goals. It will always work and  also help in  making your motivation stronger.

3)Reduce your distractions-

Distractions are one of the reasons which reduces our motivation towards our work. So to stay focused and finish your work on time one must move away all the directions near him. Distraction such as your phone, social media or some casual call by  friends. Make a time table for your work,  and keep these distractions after your work hours. The second alternative for this situation is you can log out from social media or keep your phone on silent or away from your working desk so that you can focus on your work. 

4)Keep a check of your work by friend or someone close-

This is one of the best ways to be motivated towards your goal. In this you can do that set particular steps and duration of work that should be completed in a particular period of time. then give a copy of that work chart to your close one or friend, this will help you to complete your work within the deadline set by you. Also your friend will keep a check on your work so you will always feel motivated to complete your work.

5)Choose a song that keeps you motivated-

At times while working for long our brain needs some relaxation or energy to work again. So at this time one should listen to his or her favorite song that keeps him energetic and motivated.  Hearing your favorite song will also help you to relax your mind  and afterwards it helps you to work with full energy.

6)Find something positive  in every situation-

Due to a lot of work and less results anybody can feel demotivated. But rather being demotivated one should focus on how or what are the ways he or she can stay motivated? You should focus on the positive side of the situation, that is ask yourself what one good thing that i have learnt from this situation or what can I do next time to avoid it?

Asking these types of questions from yourself will help you to maintain the rhythm of your motivation and work and there would be very  less chances that you will go off the track.

7)Always do a comparison with yourself-

Some of us have a  habit of comparing ourselves from others. This habit will always make us demotivated because some one or the other  in the world will always be on the top from us. So instead of comparing yourself with others do a comparison of yourself to yourself. Rewind back to the past and see how far you came in the journey to achieve your goals.  This is the simplest and best way to keep your motivation high.

8)Compete with a friend-

You can keep your motivation high with getting into a competition with your friend. For example you get some boring assignment to do and you want to complete it soon, in that case you and your friend  can race with each other whoever wins will get a treat from another person. By this way you will never lose your motivation and also your work will be finished on time.

9)Remind the most important  reason of doing this-

While working towards  your goals or something important that you have to do , if you lose the motivation to do it then you should remind yourself  the most important reason for doing it. By reminding the most important reason to yourself  behind your goal or work you will keep a boost for your motivation and there would be less chances of distraction. The second thing you can do is write your goals and paste that paper onto your desk and also at that place when you open your eyes in morning you can see it in front of yourself.

10)Be grateful for what you have-

At times we come across some miss-happenings in our lives and we often lose motivation to move ahead in our lives or to achieve our goals. In these kinds of situations firstly we have to stay strong and secondly we should be grateful for things we already have or something that was on the verge to be ruined but was safe. By thinking this you will be able to stay positive in tough situations and also your motivation will not lose out. 

11)Keep your work desk clean-

It is always said that your work environment should be managed and always clean. a messy working table will always lead to confusion and work stress. So it is advised to keep your workspace clean and managed all the time to avoid confusion and hassle. You can also keep a small green plant on your table so that you can get fresh oxygen all the time.

12)Give yourself a proper break-

While working for long  hours do not forget to give a break to yourself. Breaks are necessary to be given to your mind as it not only keeps you energetic but also boosts your motivation to do your work. A tired mind  will never do a good to you then a healthy and a rested mind. In the busiest schedule try to give your mind a break of minimum 10 mins two times in your working schedule.

13)Don’t forget to celebrate even a small success-

In the journey towards achieving your goals and every tiny or small step you take it to move on the way to achieve it. You should not forget to celebrate your success. By celebrating every  small step taken by you will boost your morale and you will stay focused towards your goals.

14)Do a research work before starting with something new-

Before starting with something new or to adopt some new skill , do some research before starting. With the help of research work you will find a path on how to move on it. It will help you to avoid failures and also keeps you motivated all the time.

15)Go out in nature-

When you feel that ideas are not coming easily or your mind is tired , go out in fresh air. You can go in a park and do some walk barefooted and feel that  wet green grass. Let that feeling make your mind feel fresh and full of energy or you can touch the bark of the trees or smell the beautiful flowers around you. This will help your mind to restore your energy again and you can work with good enthusiasm. 

Here are 15 ways by which you will be able to keep your motivation strong. If we have strong motivation to be successful in our  life then  no other force can stop it to happen.

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