15 ways to relax and calm your inner self

In today’s world we all are so stressed out in our lives due to so much workload and competition around us. It is very important to make our mind relax and calm. Mental balance and mental health is as important as physical health. So adopt some ways to make your mind relax and also do it frequently.

Here are 15 ways to  relax and calm yourself:-

  1. Slow down-

    When things start going hectic in our lives we try to increase our speed more. But ultimately they end up more exhausting. So whenever things are going fast slow down right there which helps you to release stress and energize your body.

  2. Release it

    Whenever you feel stressed out or things are not going right, make yourself release whatever is going in your mind. It can be done by talking to your friend or any one whom you trust or cry upon and make it release. Crying makes you release stress hormones and help you to feel better.

  3. Exercise-

    Exercise is one of the amazing ways to release endorphins from our body which makes us feel good and also our stress is relieved. Breathing exercise one should do when he or she is feeling stressed because breathing makes our mind calm down and also can change emotional states.

  4. Write it down-

    Writing down  your feelings when you are feeling stressed or having anxiety. It  makes you emotionally connect with yourself and helps you to release stress hormones and you feel relaxed.

  5. Relax yourself- 

    Try to relax yourself frequently whenever you get the time to do it. Relaxing makes our mind balance and also keeps us energized. Pamper yourself when you are feeling stressed or make some calm place in your home where you can relax and soother your mind. Having a bubble bath or using aroma candles helps your mind to relax.

  6. Be prepared in advance

    At times we know that we have a big challenge coming towards us or some task which is very hard to perform. When these situations are coming upon prepare your mind in advance so at that time you would not be stressed and will easily accomplish that challenge.

  7.  Make affirmations for yourself-

    Affirmations are a good way to feel positive and stay energized all the time. It helps one to feel confident and also boosts our self esteem. Affirmation should be correct to make them effective ( Read my blog on affirmations to write them correctly).

  8. Visualization-

     Visualization is another great tool for calming yourself. It is a way to use the imagination through pictures or mental imagery to create visions of what you want to experience. One can visualize anything whatever he wants to become or how his dream place looks like. It helps one to release stress hormones and also distract one’s mind. Visualizations along with affirmations are more effective. 

  9. Focus on the positive side-

    It generally happens with everyone that when we are stressed out or tensed we always focus on the negative side of life. We try to focus on what bad can go next or how our future looks like. These things stress out and also affect our mental health. So try to focus on the positive aspect of life and live the present moment happily!

  10. Go for a nature walk-

    Having a walk in nature helps us calm our mind and make us energize. It also improves oxygen circulation in our body as we are exposed to fresh air.

  11. Say no-

    Learn to say no to those who make things and people who make you feel unpleasant or you feel stressed whenever they are around. You can’t change others and it is not necessary that everyone suits your personality. So avoid these people to have a stressful life.

  12. Organize everything-

    Organize everything around you whether it’s your closet or working desk. Organizing things makes our way easy and whenever we are rushing we will be able to find things easily. It also helps us to focus on other important things in our life. Try to keep everything in their place as it is a good time saver.

  13. Enjoy every moment-

    One should enjoy their present moment because once it’s gone it never comes back. Try to be present at that moment see, smell, sense everything you can and live that moment happily.

  14. Create a sanctuary

    Design an area in your home that can serve as a  relax and calm place for you. It could be as simple as a bubble bath, or it could be a room with relaxing candles, pretty lights and soothing regenerative aromas.

  15. Take care of yourself-

    In these busy lives one should not forget to take good care of self. You should have a proper balanced diet, exercise regularly, sleep properly, play a sport ,etc. These things will help you to stay fit. It also improves your mental balance.

These are the 15 ways to calm your mental health. Mental health is a crucial thing and one should take care of it from time to time so that it has a proper balance. 

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