
5 small habits that will change your life forever!

Are you feeling a little lost in life? Are things feeling stagnant and unmoving, like you are not progressing towards your life goals? Do you feel like you are just repeating the same routine day after day with nothing to show for it? Nowadays life is primarily centered around working a good old nine to five job, or if you are still in school, studies and assignments. And this takes up so much of your time so it’s perfectly normal to feel like you are stuck, and that’s okay. The important part is to take action whenever you feel like things aren’t going the right way. Or when they are not going anywhere at all.

Here are 5 small habits that have the power to change your life around:-

1)Write down 3 things you are grateful for:-

Has something ever happened that was really important? And you want to remember it but then you write it down, Then so you wound up completely forgetting about it. And you simply can’t rely on your memory to store every important aspect and moment of your life. Time passes and you might forget about some of the important things or the things to be grateful for. Writing down things you are grateful for will help you foster gratitude. It also  allows you to think back on what’s happened in your life. Helping to shift your perspective. Studies show that fostering gratitude will help you to sleep better at night, lower your stress levels, and improve your interpersonal relationships. Taking up the habit of writing down three things you are grateful for in a gratitude journal will create nothing but a positive change in your life.

2)Clean for 10 minutes each day-

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the thought of cleaning your apartment or your room because of how much time it will take? Well to avoid feeling overwhelmed, it’s best to break down your tasks into smaller portions in order to make it feel more manageable and doable. 10 minutes is a reasonable amount of time to devote to cleaning. It inspires confidence that you can do it. And it’s also enough time for you to get something small done.  For example try folding and hanging your clothes first  and then moving on and coming back to your room to sweep or vacuum for 10 mins. If your apartment just feels too big to clean all at once, try doing things one by one. If you can get something small done in 10 minutes, you will be that much closer to getting everything done in a timely fashion.

3)Take care of your skin-

Does your confidence take a hit whenever you are upset about your dry skin in winter or ever had a bad breakout? Believe it or not the way your skin looks can be directly related to how you are feeling and vice versa. According to  dermatologists and clinical psychologist Richard G. Fried  said that inflamed skin, thinning hair, and brittle nails can be physical manifestations of your mental state. These unwanted physical changes can have a negative impact on how you feel. This will further worsen your skin, nails and hair and creates a vicious cycle. This is one of the main reasons why taking care of your skin is so important. As it helps to foster a strong emotional state. You will also have a  high level of confidence and a strong and positive outlook on life.

4)Implement the 80/20 principle-

It’s been found that 80% of your success will come from just 20% of your work. This means  that 80% of what you do will be unimportant or irrelevant to your success. The main point of applying the 80/20 principle into your life is that you identify that 20% of the things that you do actually results in success. A simple way to identify 20% is by making a to do list. Your most important tasks should be at the top and least important at the bottom. Finally cross out 80% of your tasks from the bottom so that you are only left with the 20%. By doing this you will improve your productivity and  efficiency. It also helps you focus on  your efforts on the tasks that will actually yield success.

5)Implement effective daily routines-

Do you happen to wake up in the morning feeling tired and unmotivated? This can be a telling sign that your daily routines are not working properly or effectively for you. Daily routines are broken down into your morning routine and evening routine. An effective morning routine should stimulate your body and mind while giving you a boost of energy and inspiration. Everyone has a daily routine that is unique to them so you will need to find what works best for you. For the morning time, you could read the morning news, go out for an early jog or listen to a podcast while you get ready for the day. For an effective evening routine, the main purpose of your evening routine is to de-stress after a long day at work or school, while also gradually preparing you for bed. During this time, you should do things that you enjoy and engage in quiet hobbies like reading, writing, or watching a relaxing tv show.


If you are looking to change your life by implementing these habits, its important to remember that habits are difficult to build  and can take some time to properly put into practice. Focusing on implementing them one by one. Do not  rush anything, and you will surely feel like your daily life is slowly turning in the right direction.

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