
5 Tips To Always Be Joyful

It’s not that people are not happy, it’s just that they are not able to maintain their happiness. There are mainly two things, how much joyful are you and how much joy do you give to people around you?

So the question is when do you really feel well? It’s when you are really happy in your life. If you are physically ill too but if happy you will feel well. So fundamentally, wellbeing means a certain level of joyfulness, certain exuberance of life what is happiness. The happiness energies you life energies more exuberant way than it normally happens. Happiness is different for everyone but those who are happy know what it means to be happy. There is no one who is not happy but the  problem is they are not able to maintain it that’s all. Don’t force hard resolutions on yourself to maintain your happiness, use these little tools to make sure you don’t sink. 

1)Do a daily life audit-

many people who do business  know how to keep the account of their business. They know whether they are going on the profit side or the loss side. Similarly everyone should maintain an account for their joyfulness. Each individual should check everyday that they are more joyful than yesterday? Just everyday, every month check whether you are more joyful or less joyful? People keep accounts of their money but the real wealth is how joyful you are, how wonderful your experience of life? Joy is not a goal by itself but it’s a necessary ambiance for life. If you don’t set this new ambiance then whatever you have is just going waste.

2)Remember, it’s a brief life-

everyday, every moment if  you remind yourself this is a brief life “I am mortal, one day I will end” just do this for two day and see you will become something truly fantastic within yourself.

3)Take charge of your happiness-

the first teaching that came out was that it is your karma- that means it’s your making. Your life and the experience of your life is entirely your making. If this one thing doesn’t sink into you absolutely you will not make the necessary changes. First one should understand that it is my making, entirely my making. The moment you see it you have the ability to change it. Karma means not something that coupons you from somewhere karma means your action, it’s your making it your doing.

4)Keep everything aside before going to bed-

  before you go to bed everything that is not you keep it aside. They may be precious to you. Everything that’s not you keep it in one heap not physically just do this mentally. Everyday you practice this. One day, when you successfully keep everything aside that you are not what you are will be there.

5) Give 5 minutes everyday for love-

what you are referring to as love is basically the sweetness of your emotion. You sit here you could feel about somebody who is not even here. So it has nothing to do with anybody. It is just a  sweetness of your emotion. Now is your love affair, your ability to love is it on self start or is it on-push start? You can use another person to stimulate that within you or you can be a self-start mechanism. For 5 minutes everyday go sit with something that doesn’t mean anything to you, may be a tree or a pebble or a worm or an insect. After some time you will find you can look upon it with as much love as you hold for your family member, friends or any one close to you. Maybe the worm does not know this, the insect does not know this, that doesn’t matter. If you can look at everything lovingly, the whole world explodes  into a beautiful phenomena for you. You will realize love is not something that you do, it is the way you are.

These are the 5 small techniques which will help you to remain joyful all time and this will help you to live a better life. The most important part of wellbeing is happiness. The more you are happy the more you will have a long, positive and a healthy life.

(Source- 5 Tips To Always Be Joyful by Sadhguru)



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