morning habits

6 Amazing morning habits you all should follow everyday

Generally many of you have a morning habits for yourself. Some go jogging , gym , read the newspaper,have a morning tea while sitting in the garden etc. 

In this blog i will share with  you some more excellent morning rituals which will help you to live a healthy and successful life in future. 

How to make your every morning and amazing one!

To be successful in life and working on self development one should dedicate time to himself each morning. The dream of becoming a desired person or to achieve certain things in life will be fulfilled when a person will have a morning routine.

A person each morning should be filled with energy, excitement, positive thoughts and should have a calm mind.

6 miracle morning habits 

The Miracle Morning Life also shorten as  S.A.V.E.R.S.:-

    1. Silence –Start every morning with a period of purposeful Silence of at least 5 minutes.
    2. Affirmations- Program yourself to be confident and successful in everything you do.
    3. Visualization- Imagine what you want to achieve and mentally rehearse what you’ll need to do to achieve it.
  • Exercise- exercising daily even for just 15 minutes will help you to keep your body energized the whole day.
  1. Reading- Learn from the experts and model successful people who have already achieved what you want.
  2. Scribing- Writing enables you to document your insights as well as any areas of opportunity.


More about life S.A.V.E.R.S.

  • S is for silence 

Start your day with silence. Your mind should be in silent and peaceful mode. At that time try not to think about anything, just keep your mind calm. 

To make more use of this morning habit, a person can go for meditation. As many of you are working and have to rush for office so try to do a prayer and also keep a habit of gratitude with it.  Additionally deep breathing is also a good exercise for this morning habit.

Also try to leave your bedroom and practice this morning habit either in the living room or in  fresh air. Fresh air will help to calm your mind faster.

  • A is for affirmation

There are 2 types of affirmations belief building affirmations and desired results affirmations


  • “I am smart enough and talented enough to do anything i want” (Belief Building Affirmations)
  • I am so happy and grateful that I am now effortlessly depositing $10,000 a month into my bank account.”(Desired Results Affirmation)
  • Potential affirmation to use- i am so happy and grateful that i am now enjoying my relationship with so many loving friends and having a busy social calendar full of fun times with great people”
  • Use words such as i am successful, i make things work easily , i have positive people around me, i can do it etc.
  • Avoid using words like no, don’t , not.
  • Keep affirmations in present tense.

( To know more about affirmation read my blog on Law of attraction.)

  • V is for visualization

Visualization is described as a process to make your subconscious mind believe anything you want. it can be that you achieved your goals, living with a desired life partner , having a successful life and much more.

Visualization is a very powerful method to  manifest anything you want in life. Visuals create a belief in our mind which connects us to the universe and easily manifests our dreams.It is a must do process and should not  be skipped.

  • E is for exercises 

Exercise is one of the most important habits. It should be followed even for a few minutes everyday. Exercise helps us to release a chemical called endorphin which helps a person  to think better. It also increases oxygen flow in the body which will help a person to stay energized the whole day. It also helps you to stay fit and reduce the chances of diseases. 

  • R is for reading

Reading is an excellent method to adopt while following the path of success. Reading provides ideas, tricks, strategies to be successful. Make a habit of reading 10 minutes a day and increase your time after the gap of 1 week. A person should read any self help book or some motivational book. These books will help you to grow in life.

  • S is for scribing

Scribing= writing

First of all make a habit of keeping a notebook and pen with yourself wherever you go. This is because ideas have no time wherever you go and might see anything you can get ideas for your goals or anything you want which will help to easily manifest it. as an idea , lessons or realization comes to your mind, you can easily jot down these ideas in your notebook.

It is advised to make a notebook rather than noting in your phone. Physical writing is much more effective then noting down in a mobile phone. Try to take out time everyday even for a few minutes and jot down all the points or thoughts in your mind.

It will help you to retain your ideas and can be used anytime in your lifetime.

These are 6 morning habits which are mostly followed by every successful person. These are proven habits and will surely make your morning excellent one each day. while following morning habits one should have a proper sleep also.

It is also said that one who wins the morning wins the whole day !

(SOURCE-The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod)

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