self doubt

8 powerful ways to overcome self doubt

A person having self doubt in himself can be a troublesome and persuasive voice that holds the person back. It stops a person to explore opportunities around him. It makes getting started or finishing things harder than they need to be. 

Self doubt is completely not a bad thing as it sometimes helps a person to see his current limitations or to recognize a bad idea. but mostly it holds back a person in life.

Here are 10 ways to overcome self doubt habit:-

1) Say stop-

when inner doubt pops up be quick to take actions as the more it stays the more it grows.  Don’t let it grow out of control as it will then start causing problems such as losing self confidence and more negative thoughts.

 Instead talk back the doubtful part of yourself. In your mind stop thinking about the self doubt either divort your mind or in your mind  say cancel or no don’t go back to that thought.

By doing this you can disrupt self doubt and stop it from taking over.

2)Look into the past memories.

Whenever self doubt comes up in your mind just once look back and see how many times you feared in the past? and how many times have things gone wrong?

Self doubts just lower your self confidence and act as an enemy in your head. So to avoid this just look back and see when in the past there was self doubt still things went in the right direction. 

This looking  back in the past gives you confidence and helps you move ahead in life

3)Talk to someone about it.

when one keeps its thought inside they become distorted, exaggerated, angry and also creates lots of confusion in mind. This thing is true when it comes to self doubting thoughts.

so whenever this situation arises talk to someone close to you about your self doubts. let them out and by telling out loud makes you feel light.

It will help you realize how much exaggerated things were caught up in your mind. Just letting them out and saying them out loud will help you reduce stress. By talking about those doubts with someone that is supportive you can get a change in perspective.

4)Don’t compare yourself with anyone- 

Comparing yourself with others only gives you dissatisfaction and you will feel you are not better than others. It is true that for a time being, comparison gives you happiness, when you compare yourself with the one who is below you.

When the time comes and somebody replaces you who is more capable than you will make you feel depressed.

Self doubts often come when you compare yourself to others. So it’s better not to compare yourself with others. If you want to do a comparison then always do it with yourself. 

See in the past what you were before and what you are now. Realize how far you have come and how much you have grown as a human being.

6) Remember people don’t care that much about what you do or say-

This is a common fear nowadays before taking any decision. We think what others will say or what they will say about you.

Let me make this thing clear that nobody cares what you do in your life. people are already busy in their lives they don’t have a time to think about you.

If by chance you hear some people talking about you or your decisions, let them be. Don’t over think these things and make yourself stressed. the decision taken by you is best for you then go for it.

You can’t change somebody’s perspective about your life and your decisions so let it go. Do whatever is right for you.

7)Sharpen your skills-

In today’s world the more skills you have the more you will grow. Speaking Skills, business skills, presentation skills, etc. All these help a person to move ahead on the path of success.

To grow your skills one should read or listen to audio books, acquire knowledge from the internet, and join some development courses.

Sharpening skills will boost your confidence and will help you neglect self doubt.

8) Celebrate that small step and win-

when you have taken a small step towards your success such as completing your pending work, or you made a routine for physical exercise or some other thing that adds to your growth then it deserves a win.

Make a habit to celebrate your every small win. celebrate by eating your tasty snack, go for shopping, spend time on your favorite hobby, relax yourself and much more. (To know more about this point read this blog).

This will help to boost your stamina and you will get recharged. It will help you to work more and keep your self doubt aside. The more you keep going the more you win.

I hope this blog is helpful to you all and it will help you overcome your inner self doubt. as self doubt will never let you grow so its better to end it or decrease it.

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