stop comparing yourself

How to stop comparing yourself with anyone?

Today in the race of being successful we not only make  us exhausted but also at some point in our life compare ourselves with others. Some people have a habit of comparing themselves on a regular basis.

They compare themselves with others and with  others lives. They compare their cars, houses, jobs, shoes, money, relationships, social popularity and so on.

In the end these people lower their self esteems and also create a lot of negativity in their lives. They also spread negativity to their outside world.

So to avoid this habit one should be patient as habits don’t change easily. Secondly  one should also focus on positive things in life. I am gonna share 3 habits on how to stop comparing yourself  with others.

Step:1-Just realize that you can’t win if you compare yourself to others.

Just give a thought to this that no matter what you do in your life, you will always find someone doing better than you in something.

At some point in your life you will find yourself at the top and better  but later on there would be someone who will beat you. 

This is natural and one who has a regular habit of comparing themselves to others should realise soon that he or she will be best for a while. Later or sooner somebody will replace him or her and there is no point of disappointment or getting stressed.

This thing is normal as everyone wants to be the best and this race goes on. Sometimes you will be at the top and other times somebody else.

Step 2: Compare yourself to yourself.

This is the best way to get rid of the habit of comparing yourself with others. By comparing ourselves to others only makes us disappointed or stressed. Also  we make our lives more and more burdened in order to be above others.

 To get rid of this start comparing yourself to yourself. When an individual starts  comparing himself with himself first of all he will ever get stressed or negative. Secondly he will see how he was before and now what he is.

The person will see how much he has grown, what goals he has already achieved , how he overcame all the struggles and much more.

This habit has the benefit of creating gratitude, appreciation and kindness towards yourself. It will help you realize how far you come in the path of success and how much closer you are towards  achieving your dreams.

It will make you feel positive about yourself and also neglect the feeling of stress which you get by comparing yourself to others.

You can also adopt a habit to write a journal on any suitable day in the week preferred is Sunday. Write down how far you have come, how much skills you built, how much closer you are going towards your goals day by day. 

This journaling habit will shift your thinking towards comparing yourself to yourself. It will help you to become more focused on your work.

Step 3: Be kinder towards other people.

It is true that the way you behave and think towards others seems to have a big effect on how much you behave towards yourself and think about yourself.

Once you have a habit of judging and criticizing people the same habit will go on with you. Later or sooner you will do this criticism with yourself.

Be kinder to the other people and also help them to grow with you. The more you help them grow the more you will grow.

In the end I would say focus your mind on positive things around you and in others also. Be kind to others and help them grow. Also stay focused on your goals and make a habit of comparing you to you.

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