
Astrology- The Study of Universe

Many of us today have one eager question”what’s going to happen in future?”  We are always in search of its answers!! Future predictions are very useful to human beings especially in today’s world where the life is totally uncertain. Nobody knows what’s going to happen the very next minute.

The future predictions give us a direction of life. Nobody can provide 100% accurate future predictions. But taking a future prediction will act as hint for our lives. How will our lives be in future? What problems we will face? Or we will be able to get our desire job? Or will we live a luxurious life?

These are some common questions asked by people. To answers these future predictions we will use a study of signs and similarities which is commonly known as “Astrology”.

Basic meaning of astrology:-

Astrology, type of divination that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Devotees believe that an understanding of the influence of the planets and stars on earthly affairs allows them to both predict and affect the destinies of individuals, groups, and nations. Though often regarded as a science throughout its history, astrology is widely considered today to be diametrically opposed to the findings and theories of modern Western science.

History of astrology:-

It is also known as the domain of sages and Brahmins. Sages from pre Vedic era have very good knowledge of astrology. Astrology has two main branches one is “Jamini Astrology” and other is “Parashari Astrology” both bear the name of sages Jamini and Prashar respectively.

Astrology is broadly classified into “Ganit Jyotish” or “Mathematical Astrology’’ and “Falit Jyotish” or predictive astrology.

Both “Jamini and Parashar” had different school of thought for the falit. Jamini gave emphasis on degree of planet in the house, different ascendants and aspects and dasa of signs whereas parashar emphasized on position of planet in house and lordship of planets, conjunction and aspects of Planet and Dasas of planets.

What is astronomy? How it is linked with astrology?

Astronomy is an empirical science of celestial bodies. The movements, positions and properties of stars, star clusters, planets, suns, galaxies and other systems are investigated and analysed. The goal of this science is to understand the universe, including its formation and structure.

Special milestones in astronomy were the invention of the telescope in the 17th century and the use of spectroscopy and photography in the 19th century. Since the 1960s, unmanned and manned space travel has allowed more detailed exploration of space.

Today astronomy is subdivided into different subject areas depending on the objects to be examined:

– Observing Astronomy examines the celestial bodies based on the radiations and particles that reach the earth

– Astrophysics deals with the physical basis of celestial bodies

– Astrometry measures and calculates the positions and movements of the stars in detailed reference systems

– Celestial Mechanics relates the movement of celestial bodies to physical theories and mathematical modelling

Astrology and astronomy both are studied together centuries ago. They both were separated by philosophy of 17th century.

Later on astronomy is used as a base to study astrology. As both are linked with study of planets and zodiac signs. So predictions of astrology were done with the use of planets and zodiac signs.

There was a change between the two studies during 18th century they have considered as completely two separate studies. Astronomy, the study of objects and phenomena originating beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, is a science and is a widely studied academic discipline.  On the other hand Astrology, which uses the apparent positions of celestial objects as the basis for the prediction of future events, is a form of divination and a pseudoscience having no scientific validity

Difference between astrology and astronomy

Astrology continued to be part of mainstream science until the late 1600s, when Isaac Newton demonstrated some of the physical processes by which celestial bodies affect each other. In doing so, he showed that the same laws that make, say, an apple fall from a tree, also apply to the motions of the celestial sphere. Since then, astronomy has evolved into a completely separate field, where predictions about celestial phenomena are made and tested using the scientific method.

In contrast, astrology is now regarded as a pastime and a pseudoscience — though thousands of people around the world still invoke advice from astrologers and its publications in making important professional, medical, and personal experiences.

This is blog has a basic knowledge about astrology. If you want to get your astrology predictions take our astrology services.

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