simple habit

One simple habit that can better your life

Common problems we all  face :-

Many of us face this problem many times in our life that we are unable to achieve our goals. We start working on our goals but due to no appreciation or less outcomes we leave our goal in middle. We often think this that our goal is so difficult to achieve.  Our whole life is less to achieve it.At some point in our life we think to adopt some habit.

We decide to  do that habit on a daily basis. For example the habit can be reading newspaper daily, doing exercise every morning or taking a healthy diet etc. Generally if we see all of us adopt habit likes these for 3-4 days or maximum for one week. The reason of leaving this habit can be  unlimited. We often got too busy in our lives or we just become too lazy to continue these habits.

The problem here is that we pressurize ourselves and always want to achieve big goals in our lives. We always wanted to do a little bit of hard work and with it want to achieve big goals. (This can be true if we do smart work but I will explain this to you in my next blog).

Live example of being successful-

I will now tell you a story about a million dollar businessman, whose name is Jack Stupp.  He was a very successful person and was living a great life. One day when he was around 54 years of age he was diagnosed with Severe rheumatoid arthritis. Due to this disease he had severe pain in more than 20 joints in his body. This problem lead him to be hospitalized. The pain was so severe that he couldn’t walk by himself doctor suggested him to use a wheel chair. But due to his determination he had a plan how he can walk back again. He used a Japanese technique called as “Kaizen”.

This method also helped him to grow his business. With the help of this method he took small steps to reach his goals. He also reward himself for each step he took. He started this method by aiming that he can easily lift himself from his bed without any help. When he achieved this he appreciated himself which was a self reward for him.

Similarly when his one goal got achieved he rewards himself either by self appreciation or by other rewards. This method helped him to become a person who did regular exercise. He also proved doctors wrong, who told him that he didn’t be able to walk in future.

He worn the Mr World title in a bodybuilding contest and also made his company reached to new heights. It all was achieved only with the help of Kaizen method.

 What is kaizen?

Kaizen is a very powerful method which not only helps a person to achieve his goals but also helps a country to become a super power nation.

Kaizen is basically a technique where we have to set small goals to reach our highest goals. For each small goals we have to reward ourselves to increase our self motivation. It  also helps us to make our way clear toward our big goals.

Kaizen is used in different ways some of them are:-

Kaizen for skills

If we want to adopt any skill it requires only 20 hrs of practice to acquire any skills if done on daily bases. If you want to learn any new skill in just 20 hrs then it is necessary for you to just focus on important parts of those skills. It also requires  a lot of practice. Even if all of you heard about 80-20 principle it also says 80% of results also depend upon 20% of hard work. Similarly if you aim small goals which naturally requires less hard work it will help you to reach your goals. It is said to form any habit we have to do that work for at least 21 days regularly so that it will help to make our daily habit.

Kaizen for business

It works on a principle that makes you ask everyday from yourself that “today what smallest step should I take to improve my project or process?” these small steps will help you to improve daily and make your goals easy to achieve. This technique was followed everywhere in Japan which help them to become one of the powerful nations of the world.

Kaizen for health

To improve your health and stay fit kaizen will help you a lot. For example you want to do exercise daily but jumping to a long workout will make you tired and from next day onward it will be difficult for you to do it as either long workout will cause you body pains or maybe you will not be able to give a lot of time to do workout daily. So its better to start with 10 mins of exercise daily then after 1 week increase 5 minutes of time i.e.  15 mins for next week and so on. This will help you to stay fit and it will also require your less time.

 Use small rewards to apply kaizen

To use kaizen effectively and along with questioning yourself daily, one of the main element of this method is to give small awards to yourself on achievement of every goal.

Jack Dupp also used these awards to motivate him and made him multi dollar businessman.

I hope this method would be extremely useful for all of you. It helped me a lot so I just want to share with you all, as again the principle says  the more you share the more you will grow and also help others to grow!!

(Source: One Small Step Can Change Your Life – the Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer)


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