
Focus – A way to deal with your thoughts!

Nowadays many of us suffer from lack of attention. Similarly having a lack of focus in our work. Attention & focus are two main ingredients. It helps one to do the work like a  perfectionist.

Due to the current situation all over the world everyone is in home quarantine. Many of you have to work from home or students have to study by themselves. The problem of focus is faced by everyone.

It is because at home we naturally come in a rest mode. Whenever we come home from work or school we relax at our homes. So it is psychologically fit in our minds. That’s why productivity at home decreases.

5 Techniques:-

To overcome this problem I have come with a solution. by using these 5 techniques you can increase your focus.

1.Rumination vs Reflection

 Rumination means a deep or considered thought about something. To explain in simple words if you know about cows and goats they follow rumination. They swallow their food and later on bring back that same food and chew it. Similarly in the case of humans we also think the same thoughts again and again. Instead of rumination we should practice reflection. Reflection will help you reflect that thoughts i.e. finding any constructive solution for that problem. It will help you increase your focus and you will be able to work efficiently.


 2. Smart practice:-

it is divided into 4 parts-

  • Clear goal-

    To attain focus on something one should have a clear goal. A goal provides the person a direction. It helps them to work accordingly and takes similar actions for the same.

  • Focus-

    An individual having a clear goal will help him to focus. It is also logical that if we don’t have any work or deadline it is very difficult to focus. So having a good focus is very important.

  • Feedback-

    It is a very excellent way to check yourself. Feed backs from your mentors or guiders will help you to check what is right  or wrong. It will help the person to move in the right direction. So take feed backs from time to time and make a check on your work always. 

  • Comfort zone-

    To achieve anything one should push himself from his comfort zone. The one who is able to push himself will be successful.

    3. Will power 3 aspects-

    Willpower is divided in three parts. one should make his focus strong by following these.

  • Disengage-

    To increase concentration one should disengage him from all his distractions. Distraction includes social media or tv etc. As a result one should remove himself from these things.

  • Focus up-

    It means to increase his focus day by day. by sacrificing all his distractions and comforts . In addition one should keep a check on himself on how much he can focus on his work.

  • Follow up-

    One his distractions are overcome he should follow a path towards his goals. It also helps him to increase his attention.

    4.Restoring attention-

    One should give himself a proper rest after working for hours. Restoring attention is as important as staying focused. That is why it is advised to have a proper relaxation of mind.In other words relaxation means having a nature walk or practicing yoga and meditation. These things will help you to restore your mind. 

    5.Self awareness insula and self control-

    To increase your self control the best way is to notice every emotion of yours. By noticing every emotion and changing it according to the situation will help you increase your focus. This exercise will help you to increase your attention and focus. 

These were the techniques one can practice to increase their focus. In addition one should have a proper sleep and start your day productively. ( To sleep properly and to make your morning amazing  read my blog by clicking these How to sleep properly? and 6 Amazing morning habits you all should follow everyday)

“Directing attention towards where it needs to go is a primal task of leadership”- Daniel Goleman 


(Source- Focus by  Daniel Goleman)

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