Affirmations – An easy way to connect with universe!

What is affirmation?

Affirmation is the act of confirming something to be true, or is a written or oral statement that confirms something is true.Affirmations are used to make the law of attraction more useful. It means making something true in real life. 

When affirmations are spoken by an individual with a true  belief of something, that he or she has already achieved what he is saying as affirmation.Affirmations when spoken with the whole imagination and in addition with gratitude, the universe will surely provide the person with the same.

How to write affirmations correctly?

Follow these simple steps to write correct affirmations for yourself:-

  • Use words I, my, I can, I am.
  • Keep yourself in power and in charge as you have the power to create the change
  • Affirmations should be in present tense.
  •  Also visualize yourself while speaking these affirmations.
  • The more specific you are the more good is manifestation.
  • The more emotions you will put in affirmations the faster will be your results.

If you follow these simple steps nobody can stop you from achieving any goal.

 Some example of affirmations:-

Affirmations for self:-

  • I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough.
  • I am whole just as I am.
  • I give myself unconditional love!
  • I feel great about who I am.
  • My life is amazing!

Affirmations for success:-

  • I am successful.
  • Love, health and success are attracted to me.
  • I am a magnet for success.
  • Life just feels great all of the time.
  • Great things always seem to come my way.

These were the few examples of affirmations. You all can also write affirmations according to your goals. To write effective affirmation follow the above rules and I am sure it’s gonna help you all.

Ask the universe for anything and it’s given!

Ask for guidance, support and answers and expect them to receive. Emotional guidance systems will help us to guide ourselves. If we are feeling good about something then we are on a good path, on the other hand if we feel bad about something then we are not on a good path. We receive guidance in front of signs, intuitions, books and magazines, people we meet, advice from a friend and feelings. Ask for help from the universe whenever you ask a question you will get your answers from any source.

Make an attitude for gratitude!

To perfectly manifest the law of attraction in your life, have a habit of giving gratitude for everything? Gratitude is an act of showing appreciation and being thankful. Make a habit of appreciating everyone around you. It provides them a positive vibe and they feel good. This energy will also be pass on to others.

Not being grateful for anything in our lives acts as a blockage in our mind which reduces efficiency of law of attraction.  If you want something in your life, be grateful for what you already have and if still not received then ask yourself that you are really grateful?

When we are grateful we are in a positive state and things manifest easily.  The things we got free are irreplaceable as water, air, family; plants etc. money can buy us anything but can’t buy us with these free things.

 These are the important things which made an affirmation effective one. In addition it also helps us to manifest things easily.

Asking and giving gratitude to the universe for the blessings you already have makes the universe to give those things also which you desire. 

I hope this blog is useful for all of you.  To know more about universe read my more blogs on law of attraction. 

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