Attract self confidence, perfect health & relationship using law of attraction!

Law of attraction is an amazing law that helps us to attract anything we desire in our lives. We can manifest our goals, higher amount of money, perfect relationship, self love and much more. 

Law of attraction is beneficial only when used in the right manner. It has an ability to attract everything. It depends on the person what he wants to attract in his life. The law of attraction does not know the difference between good or bad; it only attracts things. 

If a person is negative he will only attract negativity in his life. Law of attraction doesn’t stop for him, it works every time. Similarly if a person is thinking positive things he will attract positivity.  

1. How to attract self confidence?

Self confidence is entirely based on self love. The amount of love you have for yourself is the biggest self confidence for you. Self confidence comes when you accept the way you are irrespective of the idea what others say about you. If your love for self is strong then automatically your self confidence is strong.

Follow these steps to increase your self love:-

  • Say I love you to yourself daily. By saying this, you make a bond with yourself which helps you to fall in love with yourself and also increases your trust.
  • It will help you to remain positive all the time and make others also positive.
  • This will help you to be more in charge and help you to attract more love.
  • To generate love from outside we should generate love from inside.
  • You can only love others when you love yourself.


2. How to attract perfect health?

Today we all are so busy in our lives which makes us ignore our health. Some are able to keep themselves healthy but others have no time to take care. 

Health is a very essential part of our life. If we are healthy we will be active and can achieve anything we want. There is a common phrase on health   “ Health is wealth” , if we are healthy and active we can also achieve wealth.

Benefits of being healthy!

Being happy also includes perfect health. We can remain healthy always whether we are young or old. We  have a strong belief that by ageing period we will deprive ourselves of our health but this is not true we are born healthy so we can also die healthy.

Perfect health does not only mean to have a perfect body but having a healthy mind,spirit and body. Healthy person will have a healthy mind and healthy thoughts and emotions. Perfect health is not a distant dream to be healthy. We have to take care of our mind, body and spirit.Nobody can take care of your body as you can because your body’s unique and you are the only one who can heal it.

To be healthy one should connect ourselves  with our body so that we can know where the areas should be healed and no one in the world can do this except us.

Affirmations we can use :-

  1. I am healthy
  2. Thank you god for giving me a healthy and perfect body.
  3. I appreciate and love my body.
  4. The older I get the healthier I become.
  5. I radiate good health.

(*note- use health oriented words- healthy,strong,energetic,love,kindness. Don’t use words as ill,hospitality,etc.)

3. How to attract a perfect relationship?

Having a perfect relationship is also an important aspect of a human’s life. No matter how much self sufficient one is, he or she at some point of life needs a partner for himself or herself. All of us have a desire that the one we meet should be a perfect one. Perfect relationship doesn’t include only having a desired partner. It can be with anyone, family, friends, office colleagues etc.

Here are the simple steps we can use to attract a perfect relationship:-

We should not think following things-

  • There are no decent guys or girls for me.
  • I always attract wrong people for myself.
  • People in my office are not good enough.
  • I don’t have perfect relationships.
  • Nobody is made for me.

We should think like this-

  • I am enjoying a loving and fulfilling life with my soulmate.
  • I appreciate and value my partner everyday.
  • I work out a perfect relationship.
  •  I have understanding people around me.
  • I have good and understanding people at my office.

These are some of the examples to attract the perfect relationship you can make yours like these only. Think always that you are surrounded by good and caring people. If you want someone badly but your intentions are not good then you are not able to have that person in your life.  In short to have a perfect relationship with anyone either family members, friends, or at office we should maintain  a balance in what we give to that person and what we want from that person.

I hope this blog will help you to attract self confidence, perfect health & relationships.  As a result one should surely use these things to have a perfect life. Law of attraction is an amazing law and will help you to have a perfect life.

 Similarly money is also an essential part of an individual’s life. To attract a huge amount of money read my next blog on money.


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