Vastu shastra


The seven Chakras & their effects

What are chakras? Chakras are those energy centers which absorb cosmic energies and transform them into life force energies. There are seven ‘Chakras’ in our body. Chakras are spiritually termed and glands are scientifically termed. Starting from the bottom –  Muladhar chakra Swadisthan chakra  Manipur chakra  Hruday / Anahat chakra  Vishudha chakra Adnya chakra  Sahastrar …

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vastu shastra

Vastu shastra- The Science Of Directions

What is vastu shastra? Vastu shastra is  that science which deals with the effect of directions, sub directions 5 basic element (earth, water, fire, air, sky) subtle elements (magnetic currents, electromagnetic currents, sound frequencies,cosmic currents isotopic,radio frequencies and its effects on human body, mind, soul, and overall life).  Indian vastu shastra is applicable not only …

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