
Know your compatible partner with numerology

Many times we all feel that there isn’t any match made for us or we feel that we failed to find a compatible match for ourselves. Lucky with the help of life path number this is also possible. 

Life path numbers will help us know which other life path numbers can be compatible with us. This helps you to find a perfect match for yourself if you aren’t able to find one.

For this you should know your life path number. If you didn’t know your life path number then read my blog on life path and destiny number. 

Life path number 1

Life path number 1 people are a great match with life path number 3,5 and 6.

  • Number 3 have a good sense of humor which helps number 1 to overcome their anger.
  • Number 5 are business minded people and very active in their work. As number 1 are also known as leaders, 5’s provide them with a good amount of energy which helps them in their financial lives.
  • Number 6 are humble and honest by nature and will provide their best care to others.

Life path number 2

These people are compatible with numbers 6,8 and 9

  • Number 6 is the best match for number 2. As 2’s are known as peacemakers who provide emotional support to others. Similarly number 6 also provides good care to others and also has an honest nature.
  • Life path number 8 sometimes get too negative in their life situations. 2’s are the ones who provide them with the best emotional support they can. They together with each other will create a balance for their partner.
  • Life path number 9 is bold and stubborn by nature. Their stubbornness can only be taken care of by 2’s due to their soft nature. They are together also known as a good match.


Life path number 3

Best matches for number 3 are 1,5 &7. 

  • As number 3 has good management skills and has good creativity these easily match with these numbers. 
  • Both number 1 and 3 are confident by nature. This quality helps them to get along with each other well. Number 3 are also good counselors which help number 1 to overcome their stubbornness. 
  • Number 5 are money minded whereas number 3 have good management skills. These qualities of both numbers work so well with each other that help them manage their expenses and income wisely.
  • Number 7 and number 3 are known as good pairs. 7 have a good logical reading while 3 have creativity. These qualities go hand in hand and help these people to get along with each other. 


Life path number4 

They are  compatible with  life path numbers 1,7 & 8.

  • Number 4 are good researchers and also very hardworking. 
  • Number 1 is serious for their financial life. This will have an influence on number 4 which helps them to be serious. Number 4 are good researchers which help number 1 also.
  • Number 7 and 4 go along with each other very well. They both have an understanding quality in them. This helps these numbers to be the best match.
  • Number 8 has good management skills and is very disciplined in their lives. It helps number 4 people to have a stable life with them.


Life path number 5 

Life path number 5 is compatible with  numbers 1,3 & 7.

  • Number 5  are true and loyal in relationships. They often expect their partner to be non demanding.
  • Number 1 is adventurous and daring by nature. That’s why they are bold and speak whatever is going on in their mind which goes well with number 5 as they want their partner to be active and understanding one.
  •  Number 3 are creative which help number 5 to use good ideas in their business.  In short they also together proved to be a joyful pair.
  • Number 7 are little introverted and like to maintain their own space sometimes which also helps number 5 to get along with them well. 


Life path number 6 

They are compatible with number 1,2, 8 &9.

  • Number 6 people are warm hearted and humble by nature. This humbleness helps them to go along with these numbers.
  • Number 1 are bold and stubborn which help them to get along well with soft hearted number 6.
  • Number 2 and 6 are a good match as these both have a soft heart and also provide emotional support to each other.
  • Number 8 sometimes finds difficulties in their life and also becomes negative at times. 6 provide good support to them which helps 8’s to grow in life.
  • Number 9 and  number 6 are a good combination. Number 9 is conscientious and sympathetic, which can really help you as you are looking for someone who is compassionate and can take care of you.


Life path number 7

These people are most compatible with life path number 3 &5.

  • 7’s are introverted and little reserved. They like their own company. They want their own space. Sometimes this thing makes the 7’s different from others.
  • Number 3 has a good sense of humor , which helps 7’s to stay happy when they have a bad time going through. People with  number 3 are also creative and have good morals and values which help 7’s to look at the world with a new perspective.
  • Number 5 people are mysterious people. Most of the time they surprise their partner with lots of surprises.  7 are mostly attracted to number 5 due to their surprising nature.


Life path number 8 

Life path number 8 is best compatible with life path number 2,4 &6.

  • Number 8 has strong determination which helps them to remain disciplined. They have a high commitment to succeed in life.
  •  Firstly number 2 are soft hearted and will provide emotional support to 8.  Secondly they will listen to the problems of 8 and give them advice also and help them to work patiently.
  • Number 4 is the best match for number 8 as both of them have similar characteristics. Both of them are hardworking which make them a perfect match.
  • Number  6 are of humble nature and have a lot of patience. Number 8 are bossy by nature so with them number 6 can be a good pair. In other words  6’s are also kind and sacrificing which acts as a support for number 8.


 Life path Number 9

9’s are most compatible with 2 & 6.

  •  Number 9 are introverts as well as secretive. They mostly spend their time alone which makes it difficult for them to find a perfect partner for them. 
  •  Number 2 people are convincing by nature. This type of nature helps them to open up with everyone very easily. This results  in best match for number 9. Number 9 can freely express their feelings to them.
  •  Number 6 and 9 are also a great match. Both can understand each other very well. They both have a sense of communication as well as genuineness which help them to share everything with each other.


 I hope this blog may help you to find a perfect partner according to numerology. In conclusion  if you want to know more about compatibility then take our numerology services to know more in depth.

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