name number

Find your name number according to numerology!

Have you ever  wondered that despite our birth date and time, what else can influence our lives? The answer is our name. 

Yes! with birthdate and time, name also plays an important role in our name. Our name also influences our lives and also tells us about our characteristics.

Does your name bring good luck to you? Or cause you problems? Ever wonder if your name is according to your destiny number?

Chaldean numerology numbers

In numerology we calculate names according to the Chaldean chart. Chaldean chart is known to be the most accurate and ancient alphabet numbers which is developed by Chaldean and then used in Indian Vedic numerology.

Every alphabet has a number according to Chaldean chart.  In numerology names are calculated by assigning each alphabet a particular number according to Chaldean chart.

For example- name is Rahul Sharma 

  R+A+H+U+L                            S+H+A+R+M+A

2+1+5+6+3=17                           3+5+1+2+4+1+ 16



So Rahul Sharma has destiny number 6.

Now if the birthdate and name number is the same then your name according to numerology is correct.

What does your name number tell you about you?

Number 1

These people are known for their leadership skills and name and fame. They are confident of who they are. 1’s always wanted to be on the top, so they can’t work under someone. They are dominating as well as egoistic by nature and at times they are very short tempered.

Number 2

They are known for their creativity as well as are very soft spoken. They are very emotional people and always want some partner to motivate them. Number 2 also faces frequent ups and downs in their lives. They are very understanding by nature and will prove to be good friends.

Number 3

People with number 3 are known for their knowledge and morals and values. They are confident and are good decision makers. Number 3 people are highly spiritual and they are very attached with their family. They are full of wisdom and become independent at a young age.

Number 4 

These people are very disciplined and focused in their lives. They are good at research work. They like to travel and can’t sit in one place. 4’s are misunderstood by many and they should avoid partnerships in the future.

Number 5

Number 5 people are known as business people. They are dedicated towards their passion and should always follow that only. They find profit and loss in every situation and are successful when they follow their passion. 5’s should not overindulge in anything as this will only ruin that work.

Number 6 

6’s are known for their beauty and love luxuries. They have an attractive personality and usually have a big friend circle.  These people sometimes use harsh words which can spoil their friendships. They are also very stubborn.

Number 7 

These people are known as luckiest persons and have a stable life. They are very supportive by nature and always add values in everyone’s life. They are logical people and demand reasoning every time. At times they feel alone and very few people are able to get them.

Number 8

They are justified and helping by nature. They can’t do wrong with anyone. These people are difficult to understand, that is why they have a very small friend circle. They also have a struggle full life and will face many ups and downs in their life. 8’s should avoid litigation.

Number 9 

Number 9’s are bold and courageous by nature. They play an active role  in everything. These people have a high will power and are always committed towards their goals. They are aggressive as well as stubborn at times. They first do things and then think about it afterwards which makes them fall into problems at times.

These are the characteristics of name number according to numerology. To know more about your name or your destiny number take our numerology services.

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