
Hidden secrets of psychology

We all are familiar with this term “Psychology”. What is psychology? How it influence our lives? Why it is so important to be aware about it? In this blog I will answer all these questions and also I will let you know about hidden secrets of psychology.

What is psychology? And how it influences our lives?

Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior in a scientific way. It basically studies human character and its influence on their behavior. It is the application of knowledge to understand issues related to health, education, events, relationships, employment, etc.

Psychology influences our lives in following manner:-
  1. Improving Communication Skills– Psychology makes it easier to understand how humans think and behave while communicating with others. With the help of psychology, people can comprehend gestures and actions which would make communication even easier.
  2. 2. Building Relationships– As we already know, psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. Psychology plays a major role in understanding human actions, thereby fostering relationships.
  3. Enriching Careers– psychology helps people to understand others and establish friendships and relationships. People having a psychological idea would stand a better chance to build friendships with their co-workers.
  4. Instills self-confidence- One can gain self-confidence by learning and knowing more about oneself and their personality. This helps the person to know his/her weaknesses and enables them to build on them.
  5. One can gain insight into people’s behavior- Psychology tells us about all aspects of human behavior. It not only tells us about general human characteristics, but also points out differences in their behavior. Clinical psychology helps to gain insight into other people’s behavior.
What are feelings? How it affects our actions?

Feelings are always based on thoughts. On the basis of feeling we take our actions. The thoughts we think will always match with our feelings. If a person is angry he will naturally have angry thoughts and that is all because of himself. No external force is making him doing all this. They are responsible for their angry thinking which lead to angry feelings out. Feelings are simple they are not complex it’s just based on our thoughts which leads to certain actions.

LIE- a big part of our delusions!!

Our “Belief system” is made of lies, misinterpretations, distortion and other people’s agenda. Many things that we believe are actually all delusions. 99% of things what we believe is actually not true. A lie will always remain a lie no matter how much we love it will not become true!!

People should always accept where they are wrong as it will help to change our belief system. It is said that a person can’t do better when he don’t know better. When a person is proved wrong it will lead to his growth and confidence. It will also lead to change in his thoughts.

So whenever we are proved wrong it will always be helpful for us and it will also boost our confidence as we will have the right knowledge about a particular thing.

There are 3 things to remember:-
  1. People lie.
  2. They lie consciously and unconsciously.
  3. Determine whether it is consciously or unconsciously and the purpose of doing that.

Persons tone, expression, hand movement show an expression why they do that. So beware of people and try to find whether they are speaking truth or continue to speak lie.

How are mind works?

Our unconscious mind works 200,000 times more than 1 times of conscious mind. Our thoughts are 99.9% repetitive. Most of things we all do are like auto pilot. In each emotional state of mind it takes different decisions. Don’t take your own thinking too seriously.  When you are feeling anxious thoughts, try to stop at that time and distract your mind. Focus on the things that are important for you. Your life will also move and thoughts will come and go so don’t be depressed of each and every thought. Make your mind calm and serene. When you forget your direction try to bring back your mind on track. If feelings go off thinking then thoughts also goes away.

What is fear? Why do we feel it?

F.E.A.R. is called false evidence appearing real. Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger that has been pivotal throughout evolution. If people didn’t feel fear, they wouldn’t be able to protect themselves from legitimate threats—which often had life-or-death consequences in the ancestral world.

Fear is made bigger with pictures and feelings. The amount of fear feelings you think it will naturally grow. If you are over thinking a fear it will be the cause of depression, stress and anxiety. So whenever you are continuously thinking about a fear make sure to use cancel technique. If some thoughts have grabbed your mind and not letting you think about other things then use should repeat the word cancel. The cancel word makes that thought away and it will help you to overcome it easily.

The way we are today is a key to our childhood!

Our childhood plays a very important part in our lives.  What we are today and what we think describe our childhood. It is shown through studies that 80% of pur personality is built between the age of 0-7 yrs. During childhood major role is played by our parents, teachers, friends and media. It is said that the childhood is the crucial parts of our life. It can either make or break our life.

Many teenagers and some of the adult today face issues like stress, depression and anxiety. It is because of either child abuse whether emotional or physical. Parenting styles also influences child present situation. If the parents made a well upbringing for the child it will make the child successful and on the other hand if the person is not successful or has issues in his mind then somewhere parenting is the cause.

It is always advised if a person if suffering from some fear or stress then he should talk with people around him. As a talk can make the person feel better and also if the things are not sorted then the person should visit a counselor.

Psychology problems can be both big and small. It is always necessary to take proper measures and improve your mental health.  If mental health would be alright the person can touch any heights in his life.


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