
How to do parenting in the right way and how to earn their friendship?

Everybody says that parenting  is not an easy job and somewhere it is true. Children are born immature. They don’t know how things work, and it is the duty of the parent to make them aware of everything and to make them capable of doing things. Here are 6 ways you can handle your child and earn their friendship:-

1)Get off your pedestal-

Being a parent doesn’t mean that you  should stand on a big pedestal and be an authority to them. Parents should not  have a hierarchy business with the child and also they should not place themselves above the child. The reason behind this is the more authority parents place on the child and more controlling the parent  will become the more chances are they will lose the chance to be a good friend with your child. 

No human in this world would welcome advice every time from another person. Nobody likes to be advised from time to time ,same is with the children. If the parents advise them every time for everything in the universe then there will be more chances they would not listen to their parents. Be a good friend with your child and give advice when it’s really needed. When a parent is successful being a good friend of the child there are more chances that their child would follow their advice from time to time.

Otherwise they will not take advice from you and mostly do what their friend advises them. Some kids do the opposite of what their parents advise which makes the parent freak out. Earn your child’s friendship, take out time for them,play with them, take them to the cinemas, have fun with them and then see the result your child will be fond of you.

2)Dedicate time for them:- 

First thing a parent should understand that a child is not a personalized project. Parents are manufacturing the next generation of people. Before having a child, parents should be ready to give the child dedicated time  so that they become better than us in the future. Make your child exposed to nature to different creatures, make them, play with them but don’t buy them electronic gadgets when they are only 4 or 5 yrs of age. This only means that parents want to get rid of their child and want to go on their job. It will make the child away from you and also will only enjoy his own company. Also don’t teach survival tricks to a child at an early age on the other make them expose to positive and wonderful things around them. To make your child physically, mentally and healthy balanced they should be more exposed to nature.

3)Don’t try to live through them:-

Parents think all the things they could not do, they must achieve through their children. Parents understand one thing that their child is not an extension of their ambitions. Mostly all parents  think that they own their children but it is not true they are not your property. Another life does not belong to you, if another life has chosen to be with you please cherish that, value that and don’t think you are the owner of this life. It doesn’t mean that you will not guide them of course you are a parent you need to guide  and protect them otherwise somebody else will do it. So it’s a parents duty to guide them, protect them, nourish them, educate them to have a good future generation ahead. 

4)Let them discipline themselves:-

If you want your children to consider the suggestions that you are making, don’t try to discipline them and if that discipline works then your child is afraid of you. If the child do not get discipline then it is good that he isn’t afraid of you.  On the other hand if the parent built a close friendly relationship with their child so somewhere they can use their privilege of being older than them. But the parent should drop the idea of disciplining their child because it dont work. If they don’t like your discipline in future they will don’t like you. It’s better to don’t push yourself in that situation. Instead of disciplining your child, parents should provide them an atmosphere of joy, a healthy and inspiring environment. Let the child explore his full potential, if this is provided then the parent will not have to worry about disciplining it will come by itself in the child. Discipline does not mean in control it means you are learning or know what you want to do.

5)Stop preparing them for something:-

In today’s education system there is a flaw that we need to prepare children for something. The truth is we just have to make people flexible and sharpen their intelligence, sharpen their perception, whatever is needed do that. Only thing is to make child intelligence flexible so that it quickly grasps everything that is around. Don’t expose the child for heavy studies at an early age. It only makes the child burdened and stops their both mental and physical growth.

6)Shine a little bit:-

This is the most important thing a parent should understand that they should love their child unconditionally. No matter how he or she is. Whether he is intelligent or not, good in sports or dance or drawing, a parent should love his child the way he is. This will help the child to fall in love with you. Do not make special demand from your child as it only pressurizes the child. It will never do something good in your relationship. As a result child will not be in favour for you in the  future. This will help all the parents to have a good relationship with their child.

This was all about the right ways of parenting and how to maintain a friendly relationship with your child. Nowadays many of the parents generally face these problems that when their child reaches his teenage years there’s a gap between child and parent. So avoid this problem and parents should remember these things and maintain a friendly relationship with unconditional love from the very beginning.

(Source- 6 Things To Do to Earn Your Child’s Friendship  by Sadhguru)


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