negative thoughts

How to overcome negative thoughts by using these 10 tips

Negativity is that thing that if stays for long will create a lot of toxicity in the mind. This toxicity will not only affect the person but also affects the people who live near him.  So it’s better to avoid it at first stage only so that it does not trouble the person himself and others near him. Negative thoughts is like a poison and it  also affects the brain cells, which further lead to brain problems.

Here are 10 tips you all can use to avoid negative thoughts.

1.Question your situation or thought-

Whenever a negative thought starts to cloud your mind and start growing in your mind then simply question your thought or situation. Is this negative thought important for me? Is this giving me any benefit? or will this matter to me in the next 5 years?

By asking these sorts of questions, the mind gets a stability to overcome these negative thoughts. a single negative thought cannot justify your overall hard work and cant affect  90% of your life that tends to be positive. This thought helps you to think positive outcomes and automatically reduces negative thoughts.

2.Find good in every negative situation-

At times we come across such situations in our lives where we feel failed or have a setback, and these are the phases we see everything negatively. to overcome these situations one should ask these questions from himself:-

  • What can I do differently next time to have good results?
  • What lesson do I learn from this situation?
  • What is one positive thing about this situation?
  • How do my close ones support me to overcome this situation? 
  • How can I be careful next time?

By these questions one gets a control over his mind and is able to think differently which is way better than negative thought.

3.People don’t care what you say and do-

Many of us often think about other people such as neighbors or relatives before taking any decisions in their lives. These thoughts often drove us towards negative thoughts. we think that if we take this particular decision what will others say? 

These things will always bring us negative thoughts and can also make us stressed. We should think like this that sometimes decisions are good for us and which cannot be understood by others. Also, people are so busy in their lives that most of the time they don’t have time to think about us either. So it’s better not to make our lives and mind negative by thinking about somebody else.

4.Have a talk on  your negative thought-

Bottling up your negative thoughts will only let your mind to be stressed out and will be no good for you. It’s better to have these thoughts out and talk about this with someone close to you.

Talking out things will give a new perspective to the situation and will help you find your way ahead as well as let go of your negative thoughts.

5.Avoid negativity in your surroundings-

What you are watching, listening, and with whom you live plays a major effect on you. If the content you are watching or with whom you are living are negative it will definitely affect you.

If you find any of these sources then you should immediately take action for it. It can be people, websites, music, web series, etc.

Ask yourself how you can avoid these sources. First of all start from taking small steps. try to reduce your time with negative things or with negative people. Then slowly and gradually you will be able to let go of these things.

6.Do some workout-

Whenever struck with a  negative thought or not able to do anything at that point of time, just leave everything and go for some workout. You can do some stretching which opens up your muscles, jogging or walking and can also do weight lifting.  The workout should last a maximum 30 minutes.

The benefit of doing exercise whenever negative thought comes to your mind is that it makes you more focused on your work and it also helps to let go of your negative thought.

7.Be in the present movement-

Negative thoughts mostly arise about two reasons: either we think of what happened in the past and what might happen in future. In these situations people should live in the present moment and should try to avoid their focus on negative things. for example-

  • Just do breathing exercise for 5 minutes- focus on your breaths while doing this exercise. It will help you to live in the present moment.
  • watch everything going around you-  focus on every small thing around you. hear the sound of the clock, watch out of the window, listen to the chirping of birds and much more. This will help you to overcome your negative thoughts and to live in the present moment.

8. Don’t let your fears pull down-

One of the common things that let us down and make us negative is our fears. A full form of fear is false evidence appearing real. There are many psychological studies on fear that most of the fear that  we think will occur in future but they only and only our illusions. 50% of the time fear doesn’t appear.

Remember one thing don’t let any of these fears either big or small pull you down. Whenever fear arises just ask this what’s the worst outcome of this fear or situation? It helps you to have your relief and also make you strong enough to be prepared for any situation.

9. Be grateful for what you have-

Gratitude is one of the positive things which quickly help you to overcome your negative thoughts.

Be grateful for the proper meals you get, drinking water, a house to live in, a vehicle to ride on, helpful friends and family and much more.

There is so much to be grateful about, it will also give you a positive feeling to move ahead in your life.

10.Start your day with a positive thought- 

How you start your day affects your whole day. Start your day with reading some positive quote or by doing meditation, or visualizing your present goal. This will help you to overcome negative things even if it arises in your day.

Here are 10 useful tips by which you can overcome negative thoughts. This is also necessary that negative things should not last long in your mind as it will eventually affect your body and mind. It’s better to overcome it. Also its very important to maintain inner peace side by side as it helps us to boost our self esteem.


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