
How to sleep in a right way?

Sleep is a very important part of a human life. Proper sleep will always help an individual to stay energized always. It is more important than diet or exercise. 

Many of us aren’t able to sleep properly. Some of us might have insomnia. While others are very busy in their schedule with so much of workload that they are not able to sleep early.

Proper sleep is as much as important then having a balanced diet. In this blog I will share some tricks and tips which will help you all to improve your sleep.


  1. Know the value of your sleep- having a proper sleep will help your immune system to strengthen, helps in recovery of the  hormones,increases metabolism, boosts physical energy and much more. Make your sleep a necessity and don’t use it as luxury. Quantity of sleep doesn’t matter but quality of sleep matters.
  2.  Get more sunlight sunlight is one of the keys to have a better sleep. sunlight acts like a nutrition for your  sleep  which gives  light signals to your hypothalamus which helps the person wake up. It also improves the secretion of melatonin which helps a person to sleep early at night. one should take sunlight for about 30 mins everyday. sunlight is best absorbed between 6-8:30 am. If this time is not possible then one should take sunlight anytime of the day.
  3.  Avoid screens before bedtime– this one is difficult for many of us. as phones or laptops are a necessity nowadays. Still, one should try to leave screens 90 mins before sleep. If not, try to leave 30 mins before. As the mobile phone screens emits blue light  which suppresses melatonin production.If this is not possible then wear blue light blocking glasses. Secondly, you can keep your phone at reading mode this will also equally help.
  4. Avoid coffee before bed adenosine is a chemical that builds up in your body throughout the day when enough is built up it signals you to go to sleep. But coffee contains caffeine which tricks you into staying awake longer when your body is tired too. Avoid caffeine at least 2 hrs before bed. This same goes for tea also as it also contains caffeine.
  5. Stay cool- researchers discovered that while sleeping our body temperature should be less then normal winter we managed to control our temperature with blankets . while in summers due to heat or if air conditioner is not available then before bed try to bath  with little warm water. This sounds weird but it’s effective as it balances our body temperature. People with insomnia should definitely try this trick. It will help them to sleep properly.
  6.  Exercise- making a habit of doing exercise daily. Exercise helps your body to regulate your blood levels correctly. It also makes you feel tired which helps you to sleep early. If exercise is not possible or maybe some of you might find it boring try to do any physical activity or join any sport. 
  7.  Bed at right time- it is proven that many of the beneficial hormones are released during the time of 10pm to 2am. If you sleep at this time it helps in the recovery of the brain. It also helps people to keep their mental health at balance and reduces depression, stress and anxiety. This time of sleep is known as regenerative sleep. If this is not followed it can cause problems like cancer.
  8. Create a sleep sanctuary- your bedroom should only be for sleep. Do not work in your bed otherwise your brain associates with work and your mind will have difficulty in relaxing. At night open a window, use air purifiers or keep one house plant in your bedroom which maintains oxygen level in the room.
  9. Blackout your bedroom- our skin has light receptors. Having a small light also can interfere with your sleep. Some of us have a habit of sleeping with dim lights. In this case you can sleep using a red color bulb. As red light affects the least to our skin and helps us to sleep early.
  10. Calm your inner self-meditation helps one to calm himself. While sleeping our mind should be clear and one should avoid stress or burdening themselves with work before sleeping. Research also shows that the one who has insomnia can be recovered from meditation. So make a habit of meditating in the morning to have a quality sleep at night.


These were some tips and tricks which I feel is very important to share. As for the human body, sleep is essential for our day to day working. So one should do it correctly. Proper sleep also help one to stay positive all the day. 

 These were some of the tricks which I shared with you. I hope you will all follow these. To know more  about how to improve your sleep cycle you can read the book mentioned below.


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