
Importance of brahmasthan according to vastu shastra

Brief about brahmasthan:-

 The point where the diagonals of a plot intersect is called the ‘Brahmasthan’. If the point of this intersection is pulled up it forms a pyramid. In a plot energy flows from all four sides and four corners. At the Brahmasthan this energy accumulates at a certain point and goes in opposite directions. Hence the Brahmasthan should be left open. If there is any kind of construction or a heavy or huge item at Brahmasthan, then the energy field in the plot gets disturbed this results in Vastu defect. 

There are 3 types of electromagnetic fields which are included in brahmasthan :-

  1. Balanced and stabilized electro-magnetic field.
  2. Neutral electro-magnetic field. 
  3. Aggravated, imbalanced and unstabilized electro-magnetic field. 

How it is linked with directions:-

  1. Earth gets positive cosmic energies from East, North East & North 
  2. Earth drains cosmic energies from South, South-west and West. 
  3. There is balanced and stabilized electro-magnetic field in east, North East and North
  4. There is an unbalanced and unstabilized electro-magnetic field in South, Southwest and West.
  5.  North-east should be open, light in weight and low height.
  6. There is neutral electro-magnetic field in South-east and North-west.
  7. South-west should be heavy, closed and heightened.
  8. The energy coming from the East and positive. It kills harmful bacteria. East and North directions are incoming directions and should be in front. 
  9. The energy from West and South is unbalanced and negative. It creates harmful bacteria in the house. South and West directions are outgoing directions and should be at back.
  10. During daytime when the person is continuously active the negative effect of electro-magnetic field is minimum. But during the night these effects are maximum on people residing in that area. 

More about brahmasthan:-

The most balanced electro-magnetic field is in the north-east area, as the north-east direction is the source of cosmic energies. As we move towards the south west area it starts becoming aggravated, imbalanced and un-stabilized as it is a drain of cosmic energies. 

So the most aggravated and imbalanced area is the south-west area, as compared to the north-east area. North-west and south-east areas have neutral electro-magnetic fields. 

The energy coming from the East and North is balanced and positive. It kills harmful bacteria. The energy from West and South is unbalanced and negative. It creates harmful bacteria in the house.

This was all about brahmasthan. It is very important to keep the brahmasthan area of the house clean and should be empty.  It is the root of all energies flowing in the house. Brahmasthan always lies in the center of house and it is advised not to keep anything there.  Construction in the center of the plot blocks the flow of energy. Due to emptiness there is a good flow of energy and positivity will be spread in your house. An open courtyard or center brings all kind of riches and prosperity to the occupants. if possible while constructing your home try to leave an open sky to have smooth flow of electromagnetic fields. ( To know about home remedies read my blog on ideal direction for a perfect home).

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