
Life path number will help you choose your career!

Are you finding any difficulty in finding a suitable job for yourself?  Are you not happy with your current job? Or  are you doing a job only for money which  is not even of your interest? These are problems faced by many of you. Everyone wants a job which suits his passion. The work is done with a person’s wish and passions always help him to grow in life. But at some point of  life we ourselves  aren’t able to find our own passion. 

No need to worry guys this option is also available how to find your passion and according to those suitable careers. Lucky with the help of numerology using the person life path number we can find suitable careers. 

Life path number will help you to choose a career according to your personal characters. In addition it also provides suitable careers options you can choose from. 

If you didn’t know your life path number then read my blog on life path and destiny number. If you still face any problem you can directly take our numerology services which also have more information about your life path number


Those born with life path number 1 are also known as leaders.  They are confident and have leadership qualities in them. They are very popular ones and also achieve name and fame during their life. There are some of the bad qualities in them also.   They are dominating, egoistic, short tempered and  stubborn. It is very difficult for the other person to bear them for long. 

As they are known as leaders, it is very difficult for them to work under someone. It is seen mostly that people with life path number act as a boss themselves. They follow their own paths and if somebody suggests something to them, they usually don’t follow it.

Careers they can choose from:-

Leaders, Innovators, Army Officers, Politicians, Researchers, Inventors, Executives, Producers, Directors, Founders, teachers, business owners , freelancers. 



People with life path number 2 have motherly instincts i.e. they are caretakers. They are ready to help people and also provide emotional support to them. 2’s  are attractive personalities. They are full of creativity. As they are soft hearted and friendly they can result in best partners. They are not committed as life path number 1 people so they need a push in their life whenever they lose their way. Their life is also full of ups and downs. They are peace lovers and avoid indulging in conflicts.

Careers they can choose from:-

 Architect, Fashion Designer, Creative Writer, Sales Person, Negotiator, Diplomat, Public Relations Officer, Consultant, Matchmaker, photographer, nurses, child care,librarians.



These people are confident, knowledgeable and disciplined by nature. They are also creative and incentive which enhance their creative skills. Their life is full of morals and values. They did not do any injustice with others. Even if they see something wrong going in front of them they always try to make it stop. They are attached to their family. In addition they  have good management skills and easily manage their work. They are good counselors and always ready to help people.

Careers they can choose from:-

Writer/journalist, Public relations/advertising, Performer (dancing, singing, acting), Psychologist/counselor, Graphic Designer, lawyer,  public speaker, PR teacher, trainers, etc.


People with life path number4 are also known as logical people. They are also good researchers. They are full of illusions. Many times they weren’t able to execute what they said. On the other hand they work hard and also have a high intellect. They appreciate honesty and always like to have open communication with others. They like to travel and also it is very difficult for them to sit in their homes for a long time.

Careers they can choose from:-

Event Planner, Architect/engineer, Accountant, Management, Mechanic/carpenter,Critic, Editor, Journalist, Writer, Researcher, Lawyer, Consultant, etc.



Number 5 people are very creative and logical by nature.they have a lack  of emotions.They  know how to make money, and are also known as money minded people. They prove to be good businessmen. They  can’t form a partnership because they can’t work according to other people’s wishes. Always follow their routine. They look for profit loss issue in every situation.they are adventurous and also like to do something different each they. Good communication skills help them grow in their business.

Careers they can choose from:-

Communications/marketing, Entrepreneur, Travel agent/tour guide, Photojournalist, Spiritual coaching/healing practitioner,performing Artist, Public Speaker, Writer, Critic, Thinker, Producer, Musician, Music Composer, Lawyer, Detective, Journalist, Innovator, Investor, Sales Person, Producer, Director etc.



Life path number 6 people are creative, food lovers, and also great cooks.  They are also fashion lovers, and brand conscious. These are  emotional people and usually have a soft heart. They have a big friend circle and never back off to help someone. Number 6 feels most accomplished when creating an environment that provides their loved ones with comfort, peace, and empathy. They  are motivated by emotional connection with others, and they tend to work best in groups rather than in isolation. 

Careers they can choose from:-

Nurse/doctor, Veterinarian/animal rights worker, Customer service,Public servant, School teacher, Creative Artist, Architect, Fashion Designer, Florist, Healer, Doctor, Sales Person, Negotiator, Mediator and Consultant etc



 People with life path number 7  love to travel. It is difficult for them to stay at their birth place. They are logical and  deep thinkers by nature. 7’s always try to find reasons behind major things.  They are also known as lucky people and things come easy to these people. These people  have a stable life and don’t face ups and downs in their lives. They are also spiritual by nature. They’re connected to the energy of the Universe in a way that encourages them to seek out the truth in any situation. With an intelligence that is hard to rival, 7s are smart, inventive, and always questioning their surroundings and searching for deeper meaning.

Careers they can choose from:-

Spiritual Guru, Spiritual Healer, Healer, Doctor, Sales Person, Researcher and Innovator, Thinker, Consultant and any profession related to metaphysics, religion and spirituality.Physicist, Private Detective, Researcher, Marine Biologist, Anthropologist. Training and teaching are other better careers for them. They are successful in Business and industry. 



 Life path number 8 people have a life full of struggles, disappointments and delays. They are deep thinkers and also god fearing. They are very soft hearted, can’t see a person crying. These people have an option to make or break their lives. If they work hard and do their work dedicatedly  life will help them to reach new heights while if they waste their early years they will face delays in their life.their  personality is responsible and dependable, and their moral compass is always pointed in the right direction. While they  desire financial freedom,they will also focus heavily on seeking justice for those less fortunate.

Careers they can choose from:-

CEO, Surgeon, Banker, Online content creator (YouTube, Twitch), Legal services, Mathematician, Engineer, Architect, Teacher of Mathematics, Investor, Share Broker etc.



These people are bold  and courageous by nature and can face any difficulty in life confidently. They are also aggressive and stubborn. These people  can be argumentative at times. They are also  very active in their work. 9’s have a great quality for helping others. They always try to find those work which includes making the world a better place. These people have a very kind heart and always try to maintain peace around themselves. They are fighters too and should go for careers which serves humanity. 

Careers they can choose from:-

Philanthropy, Publishing, Nutritionist, Social worker/human rights worker, Yogi/healing practitioner,Scientist, Activist, Social Worker, Clergy, NGO/Non Profit Organizers,Scientist, Activist, Social Worker, Clergy, NGO/Non Profit Organizers, army, etc.


I hope this blog helped you in knowing about yourself and choosing a right career according to your characteristics. To know more about your life path number  you can take our numerology services.

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