Manifestation process of the universe !

Brief about manifestation:-

In terms of law of attraction manifestation is a process in which your  thoughts , actions and energy create a reality.

It depends on the person what he wants in his life. If the person is thinking negative thoughts then he will attract negative things from the universe. Similarly if he thinks of positive he will attract positive.

Process of Manifestation:-

Manifestation process contains a lot of steps. Here is the brief  explanation of this process.

1. Emotional guidance system-

   It is a system in which the universe communicates with us in the form of emotion and feelings. Emotions and feelings help the universe in easy manifestation of our guides us whether we are moving towards our goals or away from it. When we are happy we move towards our goals and similarly if we are sad we move away from our goals. It also acts as a feedback from the universe and also shows us the right direction. As a result it is said that you learn to trust your emotional guidance system.


2. Ask and its given-

Ask for guidance support and answers and expect them to receive it. Emotional guidance system is always there to show a way. If we feel good about something then we are on the right path and if we are feeling bad then we are off the track. We receive guidance in the form of signs, symbols,books and magazines, people we meet, advice from a friend,feelings etc. Universe is always there to help it depends on you if you ask for guidance or not. If you ask with pure emotions and feelings then the answer will be surely given. 

3. Listen to your intuitions-

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. We are always connected to our intuitions which further connect us with god. We should learn to trust these intuitions. As we started trusting them they became stronger and stronger. It also acts as a guidance and shows us the right path.

4. Make an attitude of gratitude and forgiveness-

Everyone should be grateful for what he or she has. We all focus on things that we don’t have instead of being grateful for what we have. We sometimes blame our situations that our life is full of problems and stress. These things act as a negative manifestation and also provide us with more problems. So it’s better not to blame your situations and be grateful for what you have.

 Having an attitude of forgiveness is a must it helps us to avoid negativity in our life. We should not hold grudges for long as they act as a blockage in our life. It also attracts negativity which stops our desires to manifest. Resentments and grudges are like burning coal, the more we hold it the more it burns us. So try to have an attitude of forgiveness.

5. Make an attitude of giving-

Giving means providing something to others which makes his or her life a better one. The act of giving spreads joy and happiness to others. If giving something to someone makes his life better then one should surely do it. Giving includes anything it is not necessary to be a materialistic thing. Giving also includes giving someone happiness, joy, making them feel special, by solving their problem. Anything like this can act as giving. So whenever you all get a chance just give anything which makes others happy. When we give something to someone we add energy space in our life and we are able to get more happiness and giving in our life. Giving is like a stress buster in our life, the one who has an attitude of giving and stays happy in their whole life.

These are the 5 things which make manifestation of your dreams faster. If one should follow this exactly his life will be full of happiness and he can achieve anything. Also good feeling and happiness is the main formula to manifest anything in life.

Law of attraction helps you manifest anything you want in life. It depends upon you how much emotionally connected you are with your desires. Affirmations are also a faster to manifest things and it make our dream a reality.(read my blog on affirmations to know more about it).

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