life path and destiny number

Life Path and Destiny Number

In numerology there are two main numbers. One is life path number and the other is destiny number. These are mostly similar to each other. To know the difference between them read the information below.

What is Life Path Number?

The Life Path Number is similar to your astrological sun sign: It reveals your greater purpose, including strengths, weaknesses, talents, and ambitions. The Life Path Number also exposes the tone of a person’s experiences, and why events occur past, present, and future.

Each life path number has a different meaning.

It is calculated by adding up the numbers in your full date of birth.

For example, 10th march 2003 then 1+0=1, so 1 is your basic number.

And if we add 1+0+0+1+2+0+0+3=5, here 5 is your destiny number.

This is the same with any double digit numbers which you should keep adding together until you end up with a 1 digit number.

What is the destiny number?

In Numerology, Destiny Number is the sum total of one’s date of birth and therefore unique for every person. It makes the individual aware of his personal interest, his unique capabilities, attitudes and talents leading him into the purpose of one’s existence on earth. It is commonly called the ‘lucky number’.

How destiny number calculated?

 It is calculated by adding all the numerals in one’s birth date and brings it down to one digit. For e.g., a birth date of 2/09/1976 will give the destiny number of 7 (2+9+1+9+7+6= 34= 7). It is also calculated by replacing birth full name alphabets with corresponding numerals e.g. A=1, D=4.

Destiny number is calculated in two ways either with your birth date or your name.  Destiny number using birth date I have already explained, by using name we calculated destiny number with the help of Chaldean alphabet calculator which provides numerical value for every alphabet.

Your destiny number and your basic number have the most impact on your chart as compared to other numbers in your charts. They are the one which tells a lot about you. After 30 years of age or till the time a person gets married destiny number will have a huge impact on the person’s life, before that person’s basic number has more power.

How can a numerology reading help you know about yourself?

As by now we all know that numerology analysis calculated on the basis of numbers. It requires a lot of calculations. These analyses have deep layers of calculations as there are different numbers which define different characteristics with the influence of planets. A single number in an individual’s chart can reveal so much about him that can act as a guide for his future life.

Numerology reading is a very interesting idea and will be very helpful for a person. It helps a person to know about his personality and will help to know about his future life. At we provide best numerology reports. Numerology report covers  a person’s traits, relationship compatibility, career and business, life predictions. Also last but not the least best remedies which  help a person to overcome his life problems.

People who are interested in knowing their fortune, numerology is a great start for them. As with the help of their birth date and their name they will be able to get a lot of information about themselves.

This blog will help you understand about numbers affecting our lives. Secondly this made you understand what is the way of calculating the numbers. Thirdly it tells you how these numbers help you to know about yourself. To know more about numerology make sure to read my other blogs on numerology.

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