positive thinking

Positive thinking- The magic of changing life !

Generally all of us have listened to this once in our life that the person should think positive.Positive thinking is very important. To be successful or achieve anything we should be positive about it. If you see any motivational video or you follow any mentor they will always guide you in such a way to think positively.

Have you  ever wondered why they always say to think positively? What is the impact of positive thinking on our minds and our life? if  you are curious to know about this so this blog is definitely for you.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking can be defined as the method to achieve health and happiness. It concentrates on positive qualities such as inner peace, strength, love, joy and happiness. 

In this direction research positive psychology. Positive thinking is a mental technique that must be practiced wisely. It should not be misused to repress feelings (such as sadness, depression, loneliness, etc) or problems that you want to get out of. Positive thinking must be used sensitively and healing.

In simple words it is a powerful attitude to achieve anything in life. Having a positive mindset  will help a person to find something good even in one of the difficult situations.

Positive thinking always helps a person to grow in life. It helps a person to find happiness. It also keeps a person’s mind healthy and he will live a stress free life.

Why is it important to think positively?

It is necessary for every individual to think positively. It is the truth that nowadays every person’s life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes life makes you happy and other moments  it may let you down. 

Positive thinking is like a magic potion for an individual’s life. when you think positively, negative thoughts do not entertain your mind. 

 When a person starts thinking positively he will notice amazing changes in his life. Secondly the things which were going wrong before will now go in the right direction. It creates a certain activeness to overcome any challenges. It acts as a speed booster for a person which can change his life completely.

Positive thinking helps a person to create a positive environment around himself and for his near and dear ones. He will also attract positive people around him which help him grow with others.

How does it impact our life?

Positive emotions impact us physically by reducing the effect of negative stress. Research shows that the body returns to its cardiovascular norm faster through the experience of positive emotions. This leads to improved health outcomes and a longer life. it is important to start your day amazingly. ( read my blog on amazing morning habits 6 Amazing morning habits you all should follow everyday )

In the Nun Study, a comparison was made between nuns who exhibited positive attitudes in their earlier life with those who had a more pessimistic outlook. Therefore the study found that nuns who had a positive attitude lived on average 10 years longer than nuns who had a more pessimistic attitude.

Positive emotions also help us build friendships and social support networks. In conclusion we know from the research that positive social networks reduce depression and increase longevity.In other words Individuals with a positive outlook are easier to be around while those with a negative attitude repel others. This can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. One of the common characteristics of individuals with a pessimistic attitude is the tendency to focus on the negative. And focusing on the negative tends to make that area grow.

10 powerful phrases :-

  1. “i believe in you”
  2. “thank you”
  3. “i need you”
  4. “you can do it”
  5. “i am proud of you”
  6. “i trust you”
  7. “i am sorry”
  8. “i love you”
  9. “i am wrong”
  10. “i respect you”

These are some powerful phrases that one should definitely use in his life. It will help you all to achieve anything in your life.  On the other hand, they are so powerful to boost a person’s confidence and most importantly also help their friends, family, staff to grow with them and make them feel special.

 During difficult times whenever you feel down  you should look in the mirror and say this to yourself “ i believe in you” this creates a different kind of confidence in a person and helps him to overcome difficulties. 

 In addition you can also use this phrase and other phrases to help someone and make them feel comfortable with you. These phrases like I believe you, i am proud of you, i respect you creates a self confidence in a person and you can help someone by saying this to him. Secondly, it also helps in overcoming depression.

I hope this blog helped you understand the power behind positive thinking. I will personally recommend you all to practice these phrases in your life. As it is said that to see a change be a change.  Firstly  apply this to yourself.  Secondly then it will motivate others to follow the same.

These phrases are from a wonderful book(name mentioned at the end of blog). One should surely read that book to see a change in his life.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” – Winston Churchill

(SOURCE-Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People by Rich DeVos)

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