
Secrets hidden behind money

In every person’s life money is one of the most important things to live life peacefully. Money is an essential part of our lives. Some are able to make money and fulfill their dreams. While others are left behind or unable to earn that much to live a basic life.

Many of us have some beliefs regarding money. Since childhood certain beliefs were set in our mind relating to money. Some of us also don’t even  dream for big things in our lives. We have a mentality set in our back minds that we wouldn’t be able to reach there. Sometimes we even think we are not meant for big and luxurious things. We also think that we are not capable of dreaming big!

Some of the common beliefs related to money are:-

  • Money is the root of evil.
  • Money is difficult to earn.
  • Rich people are mean.
  • Money comes and goes.
  • Money makes a person show off.
  • Money makes a person greedy.
  • We can’t earn money without study.
  • Getting rich takes too much work and struggle.
  • Money can cause you a lot of problems.
  • We can’t get rich doing exactly what we love.

These are some of the beliefs we have come across in our lives. These beliefs are just old beliefs which have no real reasons behind. All of us should  come together to break these myths and beliefs.


Correct belief should be like these:-

(1). Money is the root of evil.

Ans- Money can be used to give charity and help people.

(2). Money is difficult to earn.

Ans- Money is easy to earn

(3). Rich people are mean.

Ans-Rich people are helpful and we should learn from them to become rich.

(4). Money comes and goes.

Ans- Money always stays if the person is willing to keep it.

(5). Money makes a person show off.

Ans- Rich people never show off.

(6). Money makes a person greedy.

Ans- Money makes a person helpful.

(7). We can’t earn money without study.

Ans- Anybody can make money if they follow the right path.

(8). Getting rich takes too much work and struggle.

Ans- It doesn’t require much hard work.

(9). Money can cause you a lot of problems.

Ans- Money creates freedom and joy.

(10). We can’t get rich doing exactly what we love.

Ans- We can make money by following our passion.

From these correct beliefs I conclude that always honor your money. Money is like a person. The more you treat it well it will always come to you. You should always be holding responsible behavior towards your money. Research the field  before investing your money. Don’t let money rule you. You should rule your money. 


Principles followed by rich people:-

  • Rich people think big poor people think small-

    Mostly small or middle class people set small goals for themselves. Such as to live a basic life which only requires simple house, a small car and other basic necessities. Life also pays that price only whatever they asked for. To get more people should think big and plan accordingly to achieve it. Life will  only then provide all big things they want. Visualization is very important.

  • Rich people admire other rich and successful people while poor people resent rich and successful people-

    Poor people always resent rich people because they think they become rich by doing some fraud. They never learn from them and always pass bad comments on rich people. While on the other hand rich people always praise other successful people. They also learn from successful people which will help them to grow more in life.

  • Rich people constantly learn and grow poor people think that they already know-

    Many rich and successful people you have seen like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Bill Gates , Albert Einstein etc. are always in a process to learn new things in life. They will always say that the more they learn the more they realize how much they don’t know. While small people always say they know everything and never try to learn from others.

From this blog I would say  that you should all follow these principles to be a millionaire. Money is an essential part of everyone’s life. It’s better to have plenty of it . As compared to living on  small dreams and a basic life. Dream big to have big. Attract money towards you.


(SOURCE- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker) 

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