Self written quotes

1) Always do good to people no matter what they have done to you ultimately god is this king and he decides who wins.

2) Post a picture on social media because you like it not because how many likes it gets….

3)People want others to see the world from their sight and feel the same world. Why don’t they give a chance to others to see the world differently?


4)Why do people want to change others??
Just remain positive and your positive vibes will change them!!!


5)Why do people fight?? Isn’t there anything called love and peace? There is, but its value is not understand by every one!!!

6)Why is there a need to tell others what u have done for them? Can’t there just be secret happiness? Or there can’t be anything like secret well-wishers? Believe me, the happiness you get while doing for others and not telling them is the real success you achieve in life!

7) ” Parents doesn’t understand us” nowadays quoted by many of the teenagers. Both sides of the coin are not the same its just the magnet of generation gap which chose one of the sides…

8) Do people have a right to judge anyone on their basis? Can’t they find a good thing in others? It’s just a sense of sensibility which many of us doesn’t have!

9) Why do people leave their old friends alone just to make new friends? And they all do this just for fame!! But let me remind you that “old is always gold” and by the time when your new friends betray you then you will understand the importance of this phrase and at that point you will regret yourself just because you ran after fame you lose the real gold!!#remainhappywithwhatyouhave


10) Be happy about what you have in life, be grateful to god for the things that he gifted to you! Everyone’s life is different and you should not compare your life with other’s life. This will not let you peace but only cause you stress. Start making your own goals, what you want and not by blaming your situations that they are not up to the mark. Every problem has a solution, be a finder of that situation and not a blamer to them!

11)Don’t blame your situations be grateful for what you have! The other things you want in life will be yours soon!!

12)Be an achiever and hard worker. The thing you want in your life will be showered by god itself!!

13) People need time to change themselves, it is not just on your one-click they become different persons as per your requirement. Help them to change there self’s not to pressurize them or force them to change immediately.. This will help you to only satisfy your greed and make them worse than before! Better to cheer up them and not always keep them down from others.

14) People always try to find negative in others, Is there any positive feeling left in us? Nobody is negative from birth. Everyone are God’s child and it’s not necessary that if someone is negative with others , he will also be a negative one with you!! The more you search negativity the more you will get negative. A person is similar with digging a pit the more down you go the more u will get to know the reasons, it is like finding gold at the end, the person must be hard and negative from outside but inside he can be pure and positive one!!

15) why it is always true that good people will always have limited people with them? and mean ones always have a big fan following? The world is full of greed, in the search of fame and in the race of being famous. Can no one be there with good ones? Just because ” good-doers” follow the right path and not involve in misleads? Is this reward appropriate for them? , that in the end people left them behind? I am sorry the world you are lacking behind in humanity and helplessness!!! There should be equality between people’s sorrows and their happiness!!

16) The one who loses someone knows the real pain! the fear of making new friends haunts him that person dies every day of the fear that if he make new friends, he will also lose them. It is the most hurtful thing! Now all of us should take a step ahead and help the ones who have suffered the real pain and tell them that humanity doesn’t end so fast!! Make them happy!! And help them to dismiss this fear! That one person you make him live again will be the best gift you have ever received!!

17) Is it true that a person’s value increases by showing qualified degrees? Can’t a person is known by his qualities or his passion? why he wastes his time to qualify and achieving degrees for the sake of people? who just want to make people down by their sayings, my friends believe me pursue your dreams your interests whether you are qualified or not once you achieve your goals and at the top then these people will feel shy to come in front of you !! Prove them wrong and pursue your interests!

18) High degrees or institutions do not define your qualities! only your commitment makes you reach the top!

19)why there is so many problems between a teen and his parents because the parents don’t give the amount of space they want.. They say that we don’t trust you. oh my goodness! if you won’t let your child free how would they prove themselves to you so that you can trust them if the child is loyal and responsible then please give him his own space so that he can love you nor it will go worse and worse day by day……….

20) Don’t do anything for anyone just to prove yourself whether its a matter of your parents! Just do what makes you happy otherwise your whole life is spent in proving yourself that you are worthy according to them. Believe me its just a time waste no one would be happy for you only you can be your own happiness!

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