
The seven Chakras & their effects

What are chakras?

Chakras are those energy centers which absorb cosmic energies and transform them into life force energies. There are seven ‘Chakras’ in our body. Chakras are spiritually termed and glands are scientifically termed. Starting from the bottom – 

  1. Muladhar chakra
  2. Swadisthan chakra 
  3. Manipur chakra 
  4. Hruday / Anahat chakra 
  5. Vishudha chakra
  6. Adnya chakra 
  7. Sahastrar chakra

More about chakras:-

 1) Basic Chakra – Muladhar (Earth element) –

The direction related to this chakra is South-west. When the earth element of our Vastu i.e. South-west direction is defective, one can face problems of bones, arthritis, Calcium – deficiency, sexual imbalance, lack of proper base and conductivity in life. Lack of moral support. This chakra is the centre of conductivity, stability, dominance and leadership (head of the family).

 2) Hara Chakra – Swadhishthan (Water element) –

The direction of this chakra is North-east. Problems related to Hara Chakra are emotions, swelling over the body, gynec problem, cough, cold and sinus. The human body consists of 80-85% water. It is a scientific fact that this water resembles the ocean water i.e. the percentage of magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium and other salts is same in human body water and the ocean water. Due to the gravitational pull of the moon, the ocean water rises high at the time of sunrise and sunset. This pull also affects the brain fluids and human body water.

At this time it is proved that the mind becomes flexible. If at this moment the person’s mind is diverted to positivity, the mind remains in that state for the coming 12 hours. If at this moment i.e. during sunrise or sunset, the mind is diverted to negativity or negative attitude, the mind remains in negativity for coming 12 hours. This proves that the water element (north east direction) has a profound effect on emotions of a human being. 

3)Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipur (Fire element) –

The direction related to this chakra in Vastu is South-east. If the south east corner of the house is defective, one can suffer from stomach problems, kidney problems, cancer, diabetes, chronic diseases, aggravation of energy, jealousy, anger and fights. This chakra is the center of – health, energy, sincerity and desires.

 4) Heart Chakra – Hriday (Air Element) –

The direction related to this chakra is North-west. If the north-west direction of the house is defective, one can face the problems of low B.P. and high B.P., fear, swelling of body, lungs related diseases, heart pain and angina. This chakra is the center of passion, love, compassion and preservation.

5) Throat Chakra – Vishudhha (Sky Element) –

The direction related to this chakra is upward direction i.e. towards the sky and the Brahmasthan i.e. middle point of the Vastu. When the sky element is disturbed (i.e. there are no proper arrangements of lights in any particular Vastu) one can face the problems of throat infection, cough, cold, communication skill, convincing power and low attitude towards life. This chakra is the center of communication, wisdom and attitude in our life.

 6) Ajna Chakra – Agya (Brahmasthana) –

The direction related to this chakra is the exact center of Vastu. If this center is defective one can face the problems of intelligence, intellectual, mental problem, weak memory and over all defects of the human body. This chakra is the center of knowledge, sixth sense, memory and intellectual capacity.

 7) Crown Chakra – Sahastrar (Substanceless) –

The crown chakras are related to all directions. This is the center of spirituality in a particular Vastu . This is directly related to nature.

 Science has proved that the pituitary gland controls the secretions of all the glands of the human body. If a human body is supposed to be an organization, the pineal gland is the director of this organization. The pituitary gland is the manager of this organization and all the other glands are the workers. The function of the director is to provide funds (energy) to the manager. The manager in turn utilizes these funds with the on line workers i.e. all the chakras for a successful organization. 

These seven chakras are very important according to Hindu mythology. Chakras are the base of our body and are linked to one earth element. Our body functions mainly on these chakras. (To know about the basics of vastu shastra read my blog on vastu ).

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