peace and harmony

Vastu for harmony and peace of mind

Why harmony and peace is important in our life?

Harmony and peace of mind both are two essential things in human life. They are both related to mental health and are necessary to take good care of them.

 Vastu also tells us which direction is good for us while sleeping or studying. The  seven chakras present in our body should face in the correct direction for their better efficiency. 

Correct direction according to vastu generates positive flow of electromagnetic fields which is good for our mental and physical health.

Vastu for harmony

Harmony of mind is related to our house. Most of the time we spend in our houses and that place should be correctly constructed and designed.

We feel fresh and much better when we are in nature. Similarly a place can become harmonious when only its tolerant and vastu is linked with nature. Thus vastu means balancing of energies around the environment. 

If we place and design everything according to vastu as a result we will get a new harmonious place. That place will provide us with  health, wealth and peace.

Some of the vastu remedies to maintain harmony at home are:-
  • Under-water tanks are preferred in the north-east direction whereas avoid over-head tanks in this direction.
  • Burn camphor in house and spread its fume all over the place to avoid negative energies.
  •  Avoid curtains all the time, leave drawn curtains in the morning to allow sunlight in your home.
  • Keep some source of water in the north east while flowing is better than stagnant water in this corner.
  • Place a family photograph in the southwest direction in a yellow or golden frame for healthy family relations.
  • Place green plants in the east direction for healthy relations.
  •  Paint your bedroom with light colors such as light blue, soft green or rose-pink and keep it clean and clutter free so that it creates a soothing ambiance and balances the energies in the right manner.
  • Earning members of the house should have a room in the south-west corner and children and elders of the home should be in the north-west.

Vastu for peace –

Peace of mind is very necessary for our mental health. So it is necessary to maintain it. Most of the important reason for peace of mind is good sleep. 

It is necessary to have the right direction for sleep. Our bed surrounds us with energy and if our sleeping direction is wrong then it will affect our health and peace of mind also.

The position of the sleeping bed is a major concern because it affects our decision making power and provides us with strength. Our 7-8 hours of the day are spent in bed so it is important to place it in the right is an advice to follow the below remedies to know correct positioning of your sleeping bed.

Remedies for sleeping position are:-
  • Always sleep with head towards south or east and avoid head towards north or west.
  • Elderly people, retired people and owners of houses must take up a south-west position for sleeping in order to maintain peace of mind.
  • Unmarried girls should take over the north-west position for sleeping and south-west direction is prohibited as it tends to make them stubborn.

These are some of the remedies which can be followed to maintain peace and harmony of mind. Also there are some more home remedies which will enable you to maintain peace and harmony at your home. As it is said, home is the most important thing which matters. Everything starts with home then why not keep everything correctly.

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