vastu shastra

Vastu shastra- The Science Of Directions

What is vastu shastra?

Vastu shastra is  that science which deals with the effect of directions, sub directions 5 basic element (earth, water, fire, air, sky) subtle elements (magnetic currents, electromagnetic currents, sound frequencies,cosmic currents isotopic,radio frequencies and its effects on human body, mind, soul, and overall life). 

Indian vastu shastra is applicable not only in India but also in all the other parts of the world, as against other forgien vastu shastra, which are suitable only for certain regions because of the geographical conditions.

History of vastu shastra  

It developed between 6000 BC and 3000 BC and at that time it was purely a technical subject. It was confined to some people of society and was handed by them from one generation to another by word of mouth or by hand written monographs.

Due to these reasons you might see many stories behind the origin of this science and many controversies within this science. According to Chakrabarti, Vastu Vidya is as old the Vedic period and linked to ritual architecture. 

Varahamihira’s Brihat Samhita dated to the sixth century CE, states Meister, is the first known Indian text that describes “something like a vastupurush mandala to plan cities and buildings. The emergence of Vastu vidya as a specialized field of science is speculated to have occurred significantly before the 1st-century CE.

How vastu  shastra works?

Vastu is a science which deals with the five elements( earth, water, fire, air and sky) and arranging these in a complete harmony. Vastu shastra is very important for a man’s life. It tells us about how everything should be correctly arranged in a man’s life. It starts from the color of your clothes to a small thing in your house. Everything should be correct according to its scientific reasons. Vastu helps us to place things correctly according to suitable directions. It also provides remedies to better your life. By following everything according to vastu shastra can make your life an amazing one.

How does it work on our body?

Human body is divided into 3 parts- 

  1. Sthula sharir ( body)
  2. Manomay sharir (mind)
  3. Sukshma sharir (soul)
  • Sthula sharir is the one that we can see and touch i.e. our body.
  • Manomay sharir consists of our thoughts.
  • Sushma sharir is our soul, pran aatma.


 The physical body is not only a body which exists apart from it science has proved that, there are two other bodies which also exist, i.e. mental body and astral cosmic body. (WHO) World Health Organization  also believes the same things and they define these bodies as bio -energy fields. Mental body is supposed to cover 2-3 inches beyond the physical body. The cosmic ebody is supposed to be 2-3 feet beyond the physical body.

Why is it important?

Vastu shastra deals with 5 elements and their correct directions. According to science and the universe, elements belonging to a particular direction should be placed in respective directions only. This will help flow of positive energy and will eliminate the negative effect in a person’s life. 

Some believe in vastu shastra and some don’t. However it may not be necessary for essential living but if something is making a person’s life a healthier  one then why should we step back for not following it.

 It helps in improving a person’s thoughts and also generates energy in the environment you live in. It will  also define the energy you build in you and your mind.


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